Legacy PC-12 Navigation Avionics Upgrade

Owner: Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Need: This PC-12 operates in very remote regions of the Yukon, where navigation and communication system installed onboard the aircraft are crucial for the safety of flight. The Air Services Branch authorized a program to to upgrade the outdated Avionics system in its legacy PC-12’s. The need consists mainly of upgrading the GPS /NAY/ COM navigation and communication systems to provide a means to carry out Autopilot coupled RNAV( GPS ) Approaches and also the installation of Police Communication radios and other minor improvements. They also own some newer PC-12 NG’s with Honeywell Flight Decks and wanted similar capability in the legacy PC-12’s they operate.
Summary of Equipment:
- GTN 750 GPS/Nav/Com (Garmin)
- GTN 650 GPS/Nav/Com (Garmin)
- MD41 Terrain Awareness Annunciation Control Unit (Mid-Continent)
- TDFM-614 VHF/UHF Radio (Technisonic)
- AMS-6000 Audio Mode Selector (Technisonic)
- Pilot/Co-Pilot Bose panel powered headset connectors (LEMO)
- AC Power Outlet (Emteq)
- Create and supply relevant STC’s for the above work (Maxcraft)
The Story: This was a competitive government bid that Maxcraft submitted and was awarded for at least one PC-12 upgrade but potentially more of the RCMP’s fleet. The work involved substantial integration efforts with existing avionics including radar systems, auto pilot, TCAS/TAWS systems, RMI’s, CDI’s, DME, Air Data Computers, etc. Maxcraft also was responsible to create the certification documents and have Transport Canada issue approvals via a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC). Maxcraft also carried out the necessary steps required to obtain Transport Canada Approval to remove the following Autopilot Limitation included in the Pilatus PC-12 POH that the autopilot must be disengaged, when the airplane is below 1000 ft AGL. The system is now approved for autopilot coupled approaches to 200 feet AGL .
As well the contract stipulated we had a promised short downtime and we are happy to say the aircraft departed on schedule from Maxcraft’s hangar. We look forward to seeing more of RCMP’s PC-12 fleet in our hangar soon.