With yet another EAA AirVenture behind us, it’s time to enjoy what’s left of the Summer flying season while the good weather is around. While AirVenture is typically the event for manufactures to announce their latest and greatest technology, the ongoing supply chain issues have resulted in fewer announcements this year. Despite the supply chain issues, Maxcraft is going full tilt and we have many interesting projects to share this month.
New Products/Announcements
Aspen Avionics Announces Garmin GFC 600 Compatibility
On July 26, 2022, Aspen Avionics announced the integration of its Evolution flight display series with the Garmin GFC 600 autopilot.
Garmin and Aspen are cooperating on a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) and Technical Service Order (TSO) to enable Aspen’s displays to interface with Garmin’s GFC 600 digital autopilot.
With the latest software release (v2.12), those aircraft owners who have the GFC 600 installed in their airplanes can couple the digital autopilot to their primary flight display (PFD) and enjoy a more streamlined operation. The update is intended to lower pilot workload and enhance the safety of single-pilot IFR flights.
The software update gives the pilot the following:
- The ability to select altitude, vertical speed and airspeed on either the PFD or the GFC 600
- Flight director capability for coupled autopilot operation
- A fully digital interface that eliminates the need for adapter boxes
- Extended runway centerlines on the multifunction display’s moving map
- Selected altitude/airspeed output for Trio autopilots
- Improved auto brightness levels based upon customer feedback
- Additionally, both Avidyne and Genesis autopilots already have interface capability with Aspen’s navigators.
Trig TX 56 & TX 57 Nav/Com
Trig’s recently announced TX56 and TX57 Nav/Com units provide the ideal platform to update legacy avionics or equip your new aircraft. Slimline and highly efficient both Nav/Com models are housed within a superbly engineered case. At only 33mm high each unit saves valuable space yet contains an impressive selection of practical features for any pilot.
The TX56 uses a bright high-resolution display, with the clearest presentation of Nav and Com information. The unit has a customizable frequency database which holds over 200 com and an additional 200 Nav frequencies, loaded via a USB stick. Dual Watch allows the monitoring of two com frequencies at the same time. Monitoring of a second Nav VOR is also possible – improving navigational accuracy. Trig’s popular ‘Say Again’ feature is a single touch button which instantly re-plays the last received transmission, meaning you don’t have to transmit, ‘say again’. The Nav/Com includes a two-place intercom, with support for stereo music. All TX56 models have a built-in digital course deviation indicator (CDI). The Nav supports VFR and IFR navigation, including ILS approaches. Trig’s TI106, Course Deviation Indicator is also available, as the ideal panel mounted companion to any TX56 model.
The TX56 family of products are available with 8.33 kHz channel spacing or conventional 25 kHz spacing, with 10 Watt or 16 Watt transmit power. The TX56A and TX57A are 760 channel radio versions (non 8.33 kHz for use outside Europe).
Maxcraft Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) Additions
RIPS installation in Part 25 aircraft
On August 12 2022, Maxcraft received approval (STC # SA22-65) for the installation and integration of (Recorder Independent Power Supply (RIPS)) to an existing CVR.
This development is a result of the upcoming CVR and RIPS mandate CARs Standard 625.34, CAR605.34 that comes into effect in May 2023.
This STC includes multiple Part 25 aircraft, including Textron/ Cessna models 500, 550, S550, 560, 560XL, and 680 adding to Maxcraft’s existing Part 29 RIPS STC SH22-14.
- The RIPS provides +-10min of power to the connected CVR in the event of total electrical failure.
- This will assist in aligning Canada with ICAO standards and will help provide increased insight into safety and investigations in support of TSB.
- Depending on the aircraft model, down time can be as little as 5-7 days.
PS Engineering Lower Cost PMA450C Audio Panel
PS Engineering’s Innovative Digital Audio Controller Introduced – Lower Price
For Pilots Who Want the Very Best on a Budget
Everyone complains about inflation right now, but nobody has an answer. PS Engineering took supply-chain problems, labor shortages, and parts costs added some solid engineering pressure and turned out the PMA450C and it is a lower-cost version of PS Engineering’s General Aviation flagship PMA450B.
Since introduction in 2014 the PMA450-series has had advanced features like dual Bluetooth® and the IntelliAudio® processing system. So why pay for them if you don’t need ALL the functions?
One way to reduce the price was to change the type of hardware used of the PMA450C, providing a significant reduction in hardware costs. While the PMA450B provides 9 unique positions to place the Com 1 and Com 2 audio, the PMA450C only provides the most popular locations of 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock.
Another cost savings in the design was the removal of flightmate®, audio streaming output, and the count-up/count-down timer
One thing that hasn’t been changed is the intuitive graphical user interface. The OLED display can be viewed by just about anyone in the cockpit, and with the 3-softkey selection, setting up the audio panel configuration could not be any easier.
The PMA450C has a list price of only $2595 while the PMA450B continues to sell at $2895.
Maxcraft’s First Installation of the AV-30 Flight Displays
After recently becoming a uAvionix dealer, we are proud to highlight our first installation of their low-cost digital attitude indicator, and directional indicator with customizable displays. Installing in existing 3” panel cutouts, the AV-30 makes replacing vacuum driven instruments a breeze by eliminating the need to cut or replace the existing instrument panel, while also preserving the classic look of round instruments. The AV-30 will also act as the control head for the tailBeaconX which is a tail mounted combination beacon light and ADS-B out transponder designed to support space-based satellite constellations.
Amphibious Cessna 185 Import and All Glass Panel Installation
While in the process of purchasing this Cessna 185 from the United States, our customer came to us wanting to completely transform his new aircraft, while also getting a turn-key solution for the bureaucratic task of importing it into Canada. Transforming this Cessna 185 started by removing almost all the existing avionics and instruments, and replacing them with a modern stack, centered around the Garmin G3X and GTN 750 Xi. Maxcraft also coordinated the production and installation of an all-custom leather interior by Port Interiors to make this plane look and feel nicer than when it left the factory.
Always Improving Piper Malibu
Since purchasing this Piper Malibu a few years ago, the owner has brought it to Maxcraft’s hangar many times, each time leaving with a little more technology than when it arrived. While it started off very capable with a Garmin G500 and GTN 750, we’ve continued to make improvements such as removing the standby vacuum driven instruments and replacing them with a single GI 275 electronic flight display. The KFC 230 autopilot from Bendix/King is a one-of-a-kind touchscreen autopilot, and many of the analog engine indicators were replaced with a digital engine monitor from Electronics International leaving the panel very clean and pilot friendly.
Yet Another Bell 212 Upgrade – WAAS LPV Capable
Maxcraft was able to utilize our recently released supplemental type certificate (STC) to install the Astronautics RoadRunner electronic flight information system in another Bell 212 belonging to Canadian Helicopters LTD. To maintain fleet commonality, we went with an almost identical equipment list and layout including GNS 530Ws, and the Astronautics AFI 4700 RoadRunner PFDs which interfaced with the legacy flight director system. This system is approved for fully coupled LPV approach operations which is just about unheard on in legacy Bell 212/412 helicopters.
Cockpit Voice Recorder Mandate
Coming into effect May 2023
Is your aircraft affected?
2019 amendments to Canadian Aviation Regulations for Flight Data Recorders and Cockpit Voice Recorders were published in the Canada Gazette Part II, volume 153, no 11. SOR/2019-130 May 10, 2019. Publication of these new regulations included a two-part, four-year implementation period to ensure aircraft operators had sufficient time to schedule the mandated CVR system upgrades. These new requirements will come into force on 2023-05-29.
Requirements Summary
- All aircraft that are required to be equipped with a CVR, shall be equipped with a CVR having a recording capacity of at least 2 hours. This is an increase from the current 30-minute recording capacity requirement. Standard 625.34(2)
- All aircraft required to be equipped with an FDR and a CVR shall be equipped with a “Recorder Independent Power Supply” (RIPS) installed adjacent or integral to the CVR, to power the CVR and the cockpit area microphone for a period of 10 minutes whenever normal aircraft power sources to the CVR are interrupted. Standard 551.101, Standard 625.34(7)
- Wording of 605.34(1) will change from “multi-engined turbine-powered aircraft that is configured for six or more passenger seats and for which two pilots are required by the aircraft type certificate or by the subpart under which the aircraft is operated” to “multi-engined turbine-powered aircraft that is configured for six or more passenger seats and is operated by two flight crew members, regardless of the minimum crew requirements set out in the aircraft type certificate or the subpart under which the aircraft is operated”
These requirements will come into effect 29 May 2023.
Recorder Independent Power Supply (RIPS)
Cockpit Voice Recorder with Integral RIPS
Many Canadian aircraft are affected by this MANDATE including, but not limited to; Turboprops such as the Beech King Air series, Beech 1900C and 1900D, Dornier 228, DHC-6 Twin Otter; Business Jets from Textron, Cessna, Bombardier, Dassault, Lear, Gulfstream; and rotorcraft from Bell, Sikorsky and Airbus Helicopters.
Maxcraft Avionics LTD has been proactive and has already developed multiple STC approvals to help operators become compliant with the required CVR and/or RIPS equipment installed.
The implementation of these regulations will assist in aligning Canada with 2013 ICAO standards and will provide increased insight into safety and investigations in support of TSB.
Key Takeaways
- This Mandate comes into effect 29 May 2023.
- A considerable number of Canadian aircraft are affected.
- There are serious penalties involved for non-compliance. (Standard 103 Schedule II)
- Maxcraft Avionics is ready to help operators comply with turnkey solutions including supply of equipment, installation and STC approval.
- Downtime can be as little as 5-7 days.
Vendor Profile:
Radiant Power Corp
From emergency power supplies, power distribution and control, cockpit instrumentation to data acquisition units, to their full suite of passenger comfort/cabin products, you can count on Radiant Power Corp’s innovative MIL-approved and TSO-approved solutions to perform exactly as expected.
Radiant is located in Sarasota, Florida, approximately 5 minutes north of the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport. The business is located in a class “A” manufacturing and office space. Radiant operates an FAA-certified repair station in Sarasota and, through its distribution partner, maintains inventory stocking locations all over the world, thereby providing 24/7 service and support for aerospace customers around the world. Radiant’s engineering department includes design engineers experienced in sophisticated commercial aviation, military aviation and space power delivery and control products. Radiant Power Corp is AS9100 certified.
Radiant is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HEICO Corporation, a rapidly growing New York Stock Exchange-traded company, engaged in certain niche segments of the aerospace, aviation and defense industries. In 2015, HEICO was again ranked as One of the 100 Most Innovative Growth Companies by Forbes. The recognition marks 10 Forbes awards in 10 years for HEICO. HEICO’s stock is included each week in the “Aviation Week and Space Technology Magazine’s “Aviation Week Aerospace 25 Stock Index”.
Maxcraft Avionics Ltd is featuring Radiant Power specifically because of their Recorder Independent Power Supply (RIPS) products that meet the Airworthiness Manual (AWM) 551.101 Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) requirements coming into force on May 29, 2023.
Maxcraft recently developed STC SH22-14 for Installation of RIPS which is compatible with most existing CVR installations and certifies the installation on:
· Bell Helicopters 212, 214ST, 412, 412CF, 412EP
· Sikorsky S-61L, S-61N, S-76A, S-76B, S-76C
Maxcraft is also just completed STC # SA22-65, a Part 25 STC which approves installation of the RIPS in a variety of Textron/ Cessna Citation aircraft models including the 500, 550, S550, 560, 560XL, and 680.
Like most trades, it’s important for us to have a constant flow of new apprentices to mentor and fill the gap as people move up to fully licensed aircraft maintenance engineers. John has been with Maxcraft for almost three years. Starting shortly after completing the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s electronics aircraft maintenance engineer program, John is hoping to soon finish up the final parts of his apprenticeship and write the Canadian Aviation Regulations exam which will make him eligible to receive his Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Category “E” (Electronics) license.
John was born and raised in the Philippines before he moved to Canada with his family 8 years ago. While living in the Philippines, John was two years through a mechanical engineering course which he unfortunately had to leave behind when he moved to Canada. Like many people involved in aviation, John has had an interest in aviation almost his entire life. At just seven years old, John was living nearby a large airport and remembers looking up at the massive airliners passing over his house and thinking “how those marvelous giants lifting hundreds of people all over the world”. John even remembers visiting a flight museum at a young age with his grandfather and some of his friends who were in the air force at a young age. Like many people involved in aviation, John had a family influence. When his grandfather was younger, he used to go skydiving with these same friends.
In his personal life, John enjoys spending time with his cat Poseidon. Staying active is an important part of John’s life, he plays a variety of sports including basketball, swimming, and badminton, as well as a Filipino martial art called Arnis. He also enjoys building robot model kids called Gunpla/Gundam which come from Japan. Along with collecting these models, he has a collection of some pop culture items such as Star Wars, Marvel, and DC Comics Figures. John also enjoys playing the guitar as a creative outlet.
Aspen Avionics
Now through the end of August 2022 receive $500 off each new Evolution display unit, including E5, MAX, Class III, and Helicopter systems!
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
Malibu Class Owners & Pilots
Sept 29 – Oct 1
Tuscon, AZ
Helicopter Assoc. Canada
Oct 31 – Nov 4
Calgary, Alberta
National Business Aviation Assoc.
Oct 18 – Oct 20
Orlando, Florida
A young and foolish hotshot pilot wanted to sound cool and show who was boss on the aviation radio frequencies. So, this was his first time approaching an airfield during the nighttime. Instead of making an official landing request to the tower, he said:
“Guess Who?”
The tower controller switched the field lights off and replied:
“Guess Where!”
If you would like more information or to pre-order please contact our sales department at sales@maxcraft.ca or 604-465-3080.
250 – 18799 Airport Way, Pitt Meadows Airport (CYPK), Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B4
YVR Office – 4360 Agar Drive, Richmond BC V7B 1A4