We are almost through the springtime weather, although it felt more like a extended winter, but summer is fast approaching! Maxcraft has not been idle and we have a few new products to announce, numerous STCs that our engineering group has produced. We continue to add both new project profiles, as well as catching up on some we haven’t yet posted. All in all, some good reading while you wait for some decent flying weather!
New Products/Announcements
ACR Artex ELT 4000 and ELT 5000
ACR Artex has recently released 2 new ELTs
ELT 4000
The all new ARTEX ELT 4000 is a transport-grade Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) that utilizes alkaline batteries. This innovative power source means that the ELT 4000 is completely exempt from FAA special condition requirements. In the event of an emergency, the ELT 4000 can be activated manually or automatically to quickly alert local search and rescue teams of your situation. Be Prepared for the Unpredictable: – Lower battery expense per cycle – No hazmat shipping – Easy disposal – Integrated NAV interface (ARINC429)
ELT 5000 Distress Tracking (DT) For GADSS Compliance
Emergency Locator Transmitter with Distress Tracking or ELT-DT in a Crash-Survivable package.
The ARTEX ELT 5000 provides the next evolution of ELT Distress Tracking technology to meet new ICAO Global Aeronautical Safety System (GADSS) requirements. ELT 5000 provides both in-flight tracking and post-flight localization in a single crash-resistant unit. When integrated as part of an Autonomous Distress Tracking system, like the ARTEX ADT 5000, the configuration fully complies with all of the ICAO and EASA GADSS requirements.
uAvionix tailBeaconX STC
With the upcoming ADS-B mandate in Canada, Maxcraft is excited to share with you the newly approved, economical solution for general aviation and experimental aircraft. We believe the tailBeaconX will be a popular upgrade and compliance path to meet the Canadian satellite-based ADS-B tracking requirements.
tailBeaconX is a highly integrated 1090 MHz ADS-B transponder that replaces a rear navigation light by combining it with ADS-B OUT / Mode S transponder, SBAS GPS, antennas, and rear LED position light. The initial STC-AML utilizes the uAvionix AV-30-C multi-function display to be installed as the control head. In this configuration, the AV-30-C is able to leverage the tailBeaconX SBAS GPS for its GPS track display. In the future, uAvionix anticipates adding additional means of control through uAvionix and third-party devices.
tailBeaconX is uniquely designed to meet the challenge of worldwide adoption of both ground and space-based ADS-B for Air Traffic Surveillance, including CANADA’s upcoming mandate over the next few years. NAV CANADA’s performance requirements “can be met either through antenna diversity (the use of a top and bottom antenna) or with a single antenna that is capable of transmitting both towards the ground and up towards satellites.” tailBeaconX is the only non-diversity solution, saving aircraft owners thousands of dollars for equipment and installation as compared to a full diversity system.
The Approved Model List (AML) for tailBeaconX contains over 550 aircraft make and models for which this STC is valid, including most major models from Cessna, Piper, Mooney, Beechcraft, and others. Additional models, including light twins, are expected to be approved in the next months.
For the Canadian market, tailBeaconX will initially be available for 336 models on the FAA AML, whose type certificates were accepted in Canada without the issuance of an equivalent TCCA type certificate (See the TCCA U.S. Eligible Aircraft List). STC validation for an additional 56 models has been filed with Transport Canada and is expected to be approved shortly.
FreeFlight RA-6500 Radar Altimeter
FreeFlight Systems, a leader in high-reliability NextGen solutions, announced the release of a new series of radar altimeters for heavy rotorcraft, turboprops, business aviation, and military segments designed to mitigate 5G interference. Decades ago, when the original specification was created for the radar altimetry, the Radio Frequency (RF) environment was protected. However, with new terrestrial broadband datalink systems such as 5G, and as identified by the RTCA Special Committee, these devices may be compromised in the new environment.
The new radar altimeters feature redesigned RF circuitry built to withstand 5G interference. This adaptation will increase this critical sensor’s availability and reliability – the only sensor onboard an aircraft capable of detecting clearance height above terrain – in those challenging RF interference environments.
The RA 6500’s small footprint means that it can easily be installed in place of legacy altimeters from multiple manufacturers. The existing antennas can also be used in most installations, making the RA 6500 a very straightforward retrofit solution.
Maxcraft Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) Additions
Maxcraft’s DAO (Design Approval Organization) continues to add STC’s to our design library and here are some of the recent ones:
STC SH22-14 for Installation of Radiant Power Recorder Independent Power Supply (RIPS)
- Meets the Airworthiness Manual (AWM) 551.101 Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) requirements coming into force on May 29, 2023.
- Compatible with most existing CVR installations
- Bell Helicopters 212, 214ST, 412, 412CF, 412EP
- Sikorsky S-61L, S-61N, S-76A, S-76B, S-76C
STC SH22-16 for Installation of Garmin GTX Transponder w/ Optional GTS Traffic System
- Remote transponder with cockpit controller or GTN navigator.
- Bell Helicopters 204B, 205A, 205A-1, 205B, 212, 214B-1, 412, 412CF, 412EP
STC SA22-32 for Installation of Garmin GRA 55/5500 Radar Altimeter System
- Displayed on the G600 (TXi) Flight Display
- Twin Commander 690, 690A, 690B
STC SA22-33 for Installation of Garmin GWX Weather Radar System
- Displayed on the Garmin GTN (Xi) navigator and on the Garmin G600 (TXi) Flight Display
- Beechcraft C90, 200, 200C, B200, B200C, 300, B300, B300C, 1900C
- Twin Commander 690, 690A, 690B
STC SH20-50 for Installation of a Cargo Camera System
- Cargo hook camera and display system for monitoring and recording cargo hook operations
- Airbus Helicopters AS332 C, AS332 L, AS332 L1
In the Hangar:
Maxcraft and Partners Build Silver Lindy Winning Beaver
Maxcraft teamed up with several of our industry partners to restore this iconic Canadian bush plane which went on to win the Silver Lindy for the Seaplane category at the 2018 EAA Airventure Oshkosh. Modern avionics from Garmin bring high-tech features, without taking away from the classic look and feel of a vintage airframe. With a custom paint job, custom interior to perfectly match the colour of the instrument panel, and brand-new amphibious floats, this Beaver looks better than when it came out of the factory in 1991.
In the Hangar:
R66 ADS-B and Active Traffic System
After recently purchasing this R66 helicopter to commute along the Fraser River for work, our customer realized there is little to no ADS-B traffic in Canada. Flying through some of the busiest airspace in Canada, our customer wanted the peace of mind that comes with a reliable active traffic system. Traffic targets will be easy to see on the large 6.9” GTN 750Xi touchscreen.
In the Hangar:
First Ever Daher TBM with Gogo Inflight Connectivity
Maxcraft developed and obtained two separate supplemental type certificates (STCs) to install the ATG 1000 system from Gogo Business Aviation. With the ATG 1000 we brought the same inflight connectivity found in modern day executive jets, to this smaller turboprop aircraft. With voice calls, SMS messaging, and email capabilities, passengers will remain connected to the outside world on long flights. With support for select cockpit apps such as ForeFlight, Pilots will have access to real-time information such as weather.
In the Hangar:
Piper Malibu Import and Rectification
Maxcraft assisted this customer with importing this Piper Malibu from the United States, along with minor avionics upgrades. Upon opening up the panel to install some small items, we discovered one of the worst wired aircraft we have ever seen. Problem after problem was discovered as we attempted to resolve all the issues. In the end we believe we found every issue and this Malibu has been flying snag-free since leaving Maxcraft.
In the Hangar:
Cessna T210M G500 TXi Glass Panel Install
This T210M was transformed from an outdated, all analog IFR platform, into a highly capable and top of the line digital glass cockpit including Garmin’s G500 TXi 10.6” touchscreen primary flight display, GTN 750 GPS/NAV/COM. The S-TEC 55X autopilot will reduce pilot workload when flying in IMC, and the Lynx NGT-9000 transponder and active traffic system will make spotting traffic in busy airspace easier than ever.
Canadian ADS-B mandate status?
One of the most frequent questions we get from our customers is what they should be doing regarding ADS-B compliance in Canada. If you don’t want to read this whole article, the short answer is unless your aircraft is all apart for another job don’t do anything until this gets properly sorted out. It will be mandated in Canada, but unlikely on the timeframe being said and perhaps not across the whole aircraft fleet.
The U.S. mandated ADS-B solution uses a ground-based transmission solution but our vast expanse in Canada would make that cost prohibitive. Nav Canada’s solution was to partner with Aireon, a satellite-based solution, which would allow communication across Canada (and other parts of the world). Aireon’s space-based global surveillance system is just Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) on a satellite. Instead of utilizing traditional radio receiver towers on the ground, Aireon has redesigned them into flexible and highly effective space-grade receivers on Iridium’s second-generation satellite constellation. This allows for 100 percent global surveillance using the same ADS-B signal that aircraft already transmit.
Maxcraft has watched this very carefully, we have sat in on numerous presentations by NAV Canada, Transport Canada, FAA and ADS-B vendor suppliers, COPA, etc., and frankly it’s a bit of a mess. Action on the Canadian mandate has been quiet over the last few years, but in Feb 2022, NAV Canada has published its Mandate requiring ADS-B Out equipage for Canadian airspace. Requirements in Class A and B airspace are identified to start February 23, 2023, and no sooner than February 23, 2026, in Class C, D and E airspace. AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION CIRCULAR 2/22 (navcanada.ca)
COPA has some excellent articles on the legality and practicality of moving forward on this within the timeframe Nav Canada is suggesting.
The ADS-B Out avionics performance standards required is RTCA DO-260B or newer along with the unique Canadian antenna placement. This requirement must be met either through antenna diversity (the use of a top and bottom antenna) or with a single antenna that is capable of transmitting both towards the ground and up towards satellites. In the U.S., aircraft that operate in airspace that required a Mode C or Mode S transponder needed to be equipped with ADS-B Out by December 31, 2019. This includes most controlled airspace (Class A, B, C and parts of E) transmitting on either 978 or 1090 MHz. Outside U.S. airspace, almost all ADS-B systems operate on 1090 MHz.
Nav Canada estimates that approximately 95% of aircraft currently operating in Class A airspace are equipped with DO-260B compliant ADS-B Out transponders, while approximately 65% of those in Class B airspace are properly equipped. Those numbers seem awfully high to us and certainly the large majority of our customers operating in Class A and B are not currently compliant.
Maxcraft’s view on this timeframe, is if we started working exclusively just on our existing customer’s aircraft that operate in Class A and B airspace, we could not get done by February 2023! There is going to have to be some sort of extension in these timeframes the question is when and what aircraft will be affected. The solutions vary depending on type of aircraft and the current avionics suite. Of course, pressurized aircraft antenna installation will be more complex and require additional certification. Recent supply chain delays for transponders make this upgrade just that much more complicated. The smart money says watch the industry announcements and schedule the work when your aircraft is apart for other upgrades or maintenance.
uAvionix Corporation
Based out of Bigfork, Montana, uAvionix is a relatively new company making innovative products for the General Aviation and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) markets. Their unique wing or tail mounted Self-Contained WAAS GPS ADS-B Transcievers caught the interest of the GA world with a simple means of complying with the U.S. ADS-B mandate.
In October 2019 announced it has acquired AeroVonics LLC, an avionics company based in Albuquerque, NM. uAvionix Corporation incorporated the AV-20-S Multi-Function Display (MFD) and the AV-30 Primary Flight Display (PFD) products into their existing, low-cost and easily-installed product line. The acquisition marks uAvionix’s first foray into advanced digital cockpit displays for the General Aviation (GA) market.
John is the numbers guy who takes on the title of Chief Financial Officer, which he says is a bit grandiose for an organization of 30 employees. The descriptor however, captures the typical responsibilities of accounting and supervising the financial heartbeat of the company, but it also focuses on building a management structure and discipline that is demanded of a company that has doubled in size of operations over the past 3 years.
Thrown into the mix of a team of highly capable avionics enthusiasts and 3 distinct departments, John focuses on how to best organize and measure the key components of a very unique business. Avionics design and installations are all unique and as Maxcraft grows it needs to be organized in a unique way to fit this. Maxcraft has reached a threshold where it is capable to taking on larger international jobs which bring with them an increased demand for management structure and oversight.
John’s contribution is dependent on his ability to balance many aptitudes from financial reporting and Information Technology as well as operating business agreements. He arrived on the scene in Vancouver just in time for Expo 86 where he had the good fortune of falling into the role of financial coordinator of the “Specialized Periods” division within Expo 86. This lead to a connection with the Jim Pattison organization for several years as a General Manager of one of his smaller companies. Included on the business experience resume is a stint in the Information Technology world leading the financial side of a venture capital project. John’s work with Maxcraft was a semi-retirement that has expanded to a bit more than that in the past year.
John’s outside interests have a broad range as well. A passion for windsurfing lead to many summers at Hood River which has been replaced in more recent times with long distance cycling and mountain biking in the drier months and backcountry skiing in the wetter months.
Canadian Business Assoc.
Jun 14-16
Toronto, Canada
Helicopter Assoc. Canada
Oct 31 – Nov 4
Calgary, Alberta
Malibu Class Owners & Pilots
Sept 29 – Oct 1
Tuscon, AZ
Sept 22
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
Garmin DRC
June 14 – 16
The scene is a newspaper office. The editor says to one of his reporters: There’s a fire raging out of control west of town and I want you to get out there fast. And above all, get some good shots. If that means you have to hire an airplane, just do it. Don’t worry about the expense.
So, the reporter calls the local FBO and orders a plane. He rushes out to the airport, spots a small aircraft with a young pilot in it, pulls open the door, jumps in and says to the pilot: Let’s go, take off. As directed, the pilot takes off, gets up to altitude, and the reporter then tells him, “See that fire raging to the west? I want you to fly over that and get down as close as you can.”
Incredulous, the pilot says, “You want me to fly over that fire?”
“Sure,” the reporter says, “I am a photojournalist and that’s why I am here–to take dramatic shots of the fire!”
The pilot looks over with a quizzical look on his face and says, “You’re not the flight instructor?”
If you would like more information or to pre-order please contact our sales department at sales@maxcraft.ca or 604-465-3080.
250 – 18799 Airport Way, Pitt Meadows Airport (CYPK), Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B4
YVR Office – 4360 Agar Drive, Richmond BC V7B 1A4