“Bringing you knowledge of the latest in avionics technology”
Experimental Aircraft Association
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
July 24-30, 2017
Canadian Business Aviation Association
Abbotsford, BC
Aug 9-11, 2017
National business Aviation Association
Las Vegas, NV
Oct. 10-12, 2017
Customer Comments
I will say that Maxcraft did a great job with my radio package upgrade.
Your technicians are very competent and knowledgeable, they know what they are doing.
They always gave me options to consider along with very good advice.
This project cost me more than expected but you get what you pay for and that is top quality.
Frank Peters
Heliops Alberta Ltd.
More Successes
Avionic Humour
A blind pilot is flying this plane?
I was flying from San Francisco to Los Angeles. By the time we took off, there had been a 45-minute delay and everybody on board was ticked. Unexpectedly, we stopped in Sacramento on the way. The flight attendant explained that there would be another 45-minute delay, and if we wanted to get off the aircraft, we would reboard in thirty minutes.
Everybody got off the plane except one gentleman who was blind. I noticed him as I walked by and could tell he had flown before because his seeing eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of him throughout the entire flight. I could also tell he had flown this very flight before because the pilot approached him and, calling him by name, said, “Keith, we’re in Sacramento for almost an hour. Would you like to get off and stretch your legs?”
Keith replied, “No thanks, but maybe my dog would like to stretch his legs. Would you take him for me please?”
Now picture this. All the people in the gate area came to a completely quiet standstill when they looked up and saw the pilot walk off the plane with a seeing eye dog! The pilot was even wearing sunglasses that day. People scattered not only trying to change planes but also trying to change airlines!
Summer has arrived and it appears Maxcraft will not slow down at all through our quiet season! As always, new products, announcements as well as some interesting panel upgrades. Don’t forget about our technical and vendor profile articles, and back this issue, a reader favorite….. Who’s who?
New Products/Announcements
Maxcraft Avionics receives Transport Canada DAO Authority
Maxcraft Avionics Ltd. Is proud to announce it has received Transport Canada Delegation of Authority – Aircraft Certification, Design Approval Organization DAO #16-V-01 in the functional specialty of ‘Systems and Equipment (Electrical and Avionics)”.
Maxcraft has a long history of creating installation data packages and technical documentation for major equipment installations and STC development.
Our ability to serve our customers is enhanced by receiving our Delegation of Authority from TCCA Aircraft Certification. Our Delegates have now been given the scope and extent of delegation for which they are qualified for. They make compliance findings and approvals on behalf of the Minister using the Regulations, Standards, Advisories and Interpretations approved or accepted by the Minister.
Maxcraft’s president, Daryl MacIntosh said “I’m very pleased that Transport Canada has formally recognized Maxcraft’s design and approval capabilities by granting us DAO Delegation of Authority. This DAO approval enhances our ability to effectively manage STC approval projects and will help minimize down time for our customers”
Talk to the Maxcraft Design Services team about your avionics approval requirements.
Maxcraft Avionics received Transport Canada STC for Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) with Enhanced Altitude Accuracy (EAA) in KingAir
Maxcraft Avionics Ltd. received Transport Canada STC SA17-66 for Installation/Upgrade of Sandel ST3400 Terrain Awareness Warning System (TAWS) with Enhanced Altitude Accuracy (EAA) for the following KingAir models:
- Beechcraft Corporation 200, 200C, C90,
- Hawker Beechcraft B200, B200C,
- Textron Aviation B300, B300C
This addresses the need for Airworthiness compliance of the Enhanced Altitude Accuracy (EAA) required by the deadline of July 4, 2017. The STC provides alerting independent of altimeter settings or deviations from International Standard Atmosphere (ISA).
Maxcraft also holds a STCs to install/upgrade TAWS for EAA in Beechcraft 1900C and 1900D aircraft.
L3 Aviation
L3 has a few new products to offer:
- Software 2.1 for Lynx – now available for FREE and includes:
- ATAS Improvements
- Stormscope WX-500 Interface
- TerrainVision™ Enablement
- VFR button removal for SFR and ADIZ operators
- Provisions for Dual Transponder Installation
- L3 Aviation Products and Avidyne have partnered to integrate the Lynx NGT-9000 and the Avidyne IFD-440/540 displays.
- Lynx on-site training classes now available in Grand Rapids, MI (2017 dates provided).
- Lynx NGT-9000+ details (what the “+” does for the customer?):
- Only transponder on the market that provides ActiveTraffic capability.
- and check out their new website www.l3aviationproducts.com
JEPPESEN and ForeFlight entered into a long-term strategic alliance to combine their capabilities and worldwide content. Together, Jeppesen and ForeFlight will build on their common heritage of delivering superior data and software to pilots and flight operations around the globe. Jeppesen also teamed with Teledyne Controls to integrate Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro with Teledyne’s GroundLink Comm+ system with Aircraft Interface Device functionality, known as GroundLink AID+. Jeppesen also signed an agreement with The Weather Company, an IBM Business, to have The Weather Company serve as the primary weather source across Jeppesen and Boeing aviation products.
Garmin and Jeppesen
GARMIN and JEPPESEN announced new wireless data transfer capabilities for Jeppesen terminal charts that are accessed through select Garmin avionics and the iOS-based Garmin Pilot app.
In the Hangar:
KingAir 350 EAA Installation
Our Alberta based customer had already had us install their Terrain Awareness Warning System in this KingAir 350. This month it was back to install an Enhanced Altitude Accuracy system under our new STC. This included adding a new Free Flight WAAS GPS, Sandia Air/Data computer and the required pressure vessel penetration for antenna mounting.
In the Hangar:
Cessna 172 – IFR Trainer goes Glass
This aircraft is locally owned and flown by family members for training and transportation to their summer vacation spot. An upgrade to a G500 PFD/MFD, a GTN750 GPS/Nav/Com, and a Lynx ADS-B transponder, ensured this aircraft was fully IFR capable. Want to read more about this Cessna, click here
In the Hangar:
AS350B3 Glass Panel Upgrade
This recently US purchased AS350 B3 was acquired by HeliOps Alberta Ltd. Owner Frank Peters flew it up from Texas direct to Maxcraft to replace an existing EFIS with a complete glass panel avionics suite. Frank’s pilots will also benefit from an Active Traffic system and flight planning iPad integration to the panel avionics. Read more about this helicopter here.
The Technical Side:
Maxcraft – Design Services Division
What they do and why the DAO status is significant?
Maxcraft Design Services provides project management and design oversight for avionics and electrical system installations. This incorporates changes to existing systems or addition of new equipment. Often installations are related to end-user contractual requirements or unique operating necessities. These specialized installations usually require some out-of-the-box thinking and design approval.
They also provide support during the proposal phase of complex contract bids. These usually include topics that our aviation sales staff may need detailed assistance with.
In addition, they regularly support avionics upgrades driven either by a mandate or owner/operator desire for getting the best solution available into their aircraft.
The Design Services Group has processed numerous STC’s, currently installed in hundreds of aircraft, operating internationally.
With the recent TCCA Delegation of Authority to Maxcraft Avionics Ltd, the Design Approval Organization (DAO 16-V-01) will enhance our ability respond to customer needs.
The DAO is tasked with supporting not only our Approved Maintenance Organization (TCCA AMO 33-90) installation processes, but any operator in need of aircraft modification approvals on manageable timeline.
Vendor Profile:
Mountain High Equipment and Supply Co.
Mountain High Equipment & Supply Co. is the maker of state-of-the-art aviation oxygen equipment.
Founded by pilot and engineer Patrick L. McLaughlin, Mountain High has been supplying aviation oxygen equipment and supplies since 1985. The company is known particularly for its EDS product, an electronic ‘Pulse-Demand™’ adaptive oxygen delivery device.

The patented MH EDS (Electronic Delivery System) is a one (O2D1-2G) or two-user (O2D2-2G) aviation oxygen delivery device. By providing a measured pulse of oxygen every time you breathe in, the MH EDS supplies the oxygen you need to stay alert and comfortable while flying. In contrast to constant flow systems that waste oxygen by supplying more than your body can use, the MH EDS provides a short pulse of oxygen as you inhale, ensuring that your oxygen is used most efficiently. Efficient oxygen delivery means you can fly further on a single oxygen refill or save space and weight with a smaller tank.
Located in Redmond Oregon, Mountain High is always available to answer any questions. Some of their frequently asked questions are:
What Are The Effects Of Hypoxia?
Hypoxia causes impairment of vision (especially at night), lassitude, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, euphoria (a false sense of exhilaration), and temporary psychological disturbance. These effects do not necessarily occur in the same sequence nor to the same extent in all individuals, but are typical in average persons who are affected by hypoxia.
At What Altitudes Should Oxygen Be Used?
In general, it can be assumed that the normal, healthy individual is unlikely to need supplementary oxygen at altitudes below 8,000 feet. One exception is night flying. Because the retina of the eye is affected by even extremely mild hypoxia, deterioration of night vision becomes significant above 5,000 feet.
Need to know more? Go to their website www.mhoxygen.com or stop by Maxcraft to understand “What Every Pilot Should Know About Oxygen”.
Who’s Who? 
Who is Hugo?
Wonder who you are talking to on the phone? Need to put a face to the voice? Well, our newest addition to the Maxcraft family is Hugo Feunekes.
Hugo is our new Aircraft Services Manager responsible for our “on aircraft” work. Hugo grew up in the Netherlands and immigrated to Canada when he was 21.
Hugo has a huge role at Maxcraft to make sure everything is running smoothly in the shop including getting the aircraft in and out on time. It’s his responsibility to assist our technicians during installation and troubleshooting projects with documentation, regulatory, and customer requirements. So that the product we deliver is of top quality and to satisfaction of our customer.
This includes scheduling projects, providing equipment, parts, and tools, communicate with customers regarding delivery dates and needs that arise during the project.
How did he get here? Hugo did a 4 year Avionics program at the Dutch Aviation College in The Netherlands and then a 1 year aircraft mechanics course at the International Career School.
Hugo has been in aircraft operations and a service manager for over 7 years. Before starting with us in March, he served with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in Indonesia (West Papua) for 10 years, and prior to that Pacific Avionics for 9 years.
Before moving to Asia, he started at Pacific Avionics as a bench repair technician repairing NAV/COM’s, Radars, DME, Transponders etc. After a year or 2 Hugo started doing more aircraft troubleshooting and installations and the last few years there he was the shop manager. He started at MAF as the avionics shop manager. After receiving his mechanics license he was asked to take the maintenance operation manager position and held that for 7 years.
What is Hugo’s favorite thing about working in aviation? The technology and the complexity of the aircraft. He loves trouble shooting and diving into a system to find the root cause, including human factors.
What we didn’t know about Hugo was that he spent a week on the North Sea with a good friend who was a fisherman. First day out, he puked. One of his summer jobs in the Netherlands was picking flowers!
Hugo is happily married for 20 years with my wife Erica and blessed with 5 children 2 girls and 3 boys.
Maxcraft is always looking for skilled technicians
As we continue to grow our business we are always looking for experienced avionics installation technicians. If you’re interested in joining our winning team send your resume to Joanna at Customer Service.
Rebates for your favorite products
Lightspeed is offering the “Welcome to the Trade Up Program”
It’s the perfect time to get rid of the old and in with the new! Trade in your old headset and receive credit to be applied to a new one! Call us or visit our blog for more info.

Aspen Avionics
* $750 off list! Evolution Pro 1000 Primary Flight Display
* Over $13K off list! Evolution 2500 System (Pro 1000 PFD, MFD500 and MFD1000 Multi-function displays)
* $2,000 off list! – Evolution Pro Plus Primary Flight Display (Includes Synthetic Vision and Angle of Attack software)
* $2,000 off list! – Evolution Pro PFD to Pro Plus Upgrade (current Pro PFD customers)
Genesys Aerosystems
 S-TEC 55X Summer Sales Promotion! Purchase a S-TEC System 55X autopilot and Genesys Aerosystems will give you a hot discount off the 2017 list price. This is a limited time offer. Expires September 30, 2017.
* $5,000 off Autotrim or Altitude Preselect for twin engine aircraft
* $2,500 off Autotrim or Altitude Preselect for single engine aircraft
Universal Avionics
Universal Avionics Incentive Programs have been extended. In a continued effort to help operators with the cost of equipping their aircraft for upcoming industry requirements and mandates, Universal Avionics has extended two popular pricing incentive programs that were initially set to expire at the end of 2016.
If you would like more information or to pre-order please contact our sales department at sales@maxcraft.ca or 604-465-3080.