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Avionics to the Max!
Come and see us at our state of the art facility, where our friendly staff are here to help with your needs!
250-18799 Airport Way
Pitt Meadows Airport (CYPK)
Pitt Meadows, BC,
V3Y 2B4
Check out our blog for more news!
AEA CanadaÂ
Aircraft Electronics AssociationÂ
August 28-29, 2012
Calgary, Alberta
During the “rush hour” at Houstons Hobby Airport, my flight was delayed due to a mechanical problem.Â
Since they needed the gate for another flight, the aircraft was backed away from the gate while the maintenance crew worked on it. We were then told the new gate number, which was some distance away.
Everyone moved to the new gate, only to find that a third gate had been designated for us. After some further shuffling, everyone got on board, and as we were settling in, the flight attendant made the standard announcement, “We apologize for the inconvenience of this last-minute gate change. This flight is going to Washington, D.C.
If your destination is not Washington, D.C., then you should deplane at this time.”Â
A very confused-looking and red-facedpilot emerged from the cockpit, carrying his bags. “Sorry,” he said, “wrong plane.
Purchase any of the Garmin portables, receive up to $100 rebate! Â
Valid untilÂ
July 15, 2012
There’s more!Â
Receive a $1,000 rebate on purchase of the G600 or G500 with SVT, $1,000 rebates on the GTS 800, 820 & 850, $750Â rebate for the GTN 650/750, and a $250Â rebate for the GMA 350 or GMA 35.
Valid untilÂ
August 15, 2012Â

Aspen Â
Check out their savings!
On Evolution 1500 and 2000 Systems
This is a limited time offer
May 1/12 – June 30/12

Sale & Rebate!
New low priceÂ
effective Apr. 15/12 at $149 and a $50 mail in rebate
 Valid fromÂ
Apr. 15/12 – Sept. 30/12

p style=”margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;”>AvidyneÂ
Earn $1,000 – $5,000 instant rebateÂ
 Avidyne – traffic systems, MFD upgrades Wx systems. Â
Call Maxcraft for details as this offer expires
 June 30, 2012
Have a joke you would like to share?  Â
Send us an email and we will feature your joke in the upcoming newsletters.
New Product
Maxcraft awarded an STC for Garmin G500H into the Eurocopter AS355 Twinstar Helicopter
Maxcraft Avionics Ltd. Has received Transport Canada STC SH12-43 for installation of the Garmin G500H Flight Display System for Eurocopter model AS355 rotorcraft. Installation of the popular G500(H) system replaces the traditional 6-pack of analog instruments with the a single LRU PFD/MFD glass display.
The approval also includes installation of interfaced systems including Garmin’s Digital AHRS & ADC, GNS 400W/500W Series Navigator, GTS 800 Traffic Alerting system, and FreeFlight RA-4500 Radar Altimeter, and can interface to existing Garmin GTX Transponders and on-board NTSC or PAL video systems. Maxcraft’s president, Daryl MacIntosh, stated “This installation provides significant safety enhancements and superb situational awareness at a practical cost.”Â
Future developments for this STC include:
- Garmin GTN 6XX/7XX Touch Screen Navigator integration
- additional airframes including AS350/ EC130, EC120 series
- FAA and EASA familiarization
Read more about our STC here!
New Product
Latitude Technologies announced its new IONodeâ„¢ and LoadNodeâ„¢ Flight Data Monitoring devicesÂ
The IONode Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) is designed to continuously monitor, capture and store up to 32 GB of data. The IONode features a rugged D0160F design, WiFi or USB A/B download, 20 digital/serial discrete inputs/outputs, real-time alerting via SkyNode® SATCOM, built-in magnetometer, accelerometer, gyroscope and temperature sensor, altitude, airspeed and WAAS GPS. The device is compatible with the Latitude Technologies SkyNodeTM family of products.

The LodeNode was designed for the purpose of capturing, storing and reporting helicopter hook and bucket payload data. It uses a combination of logic and analog inputs from the helicopter’s load cell, hook switch, skids/weights on wheels and GPS sensor sources.
“The intensity of fires has grown in recent years due to drought, high winds and other peak conditions for fires,” said Vice President of Information Services Tim Curtis of Latitude. “Our IONode OLM (operational loads management) is capable of collecting flight data and multiple streams of payload data which give firefighters critical data they need in order to combat fires. This gives them real-time tactical, costing, dispatch and efficiency reporting.”
In the hangar |
The de Havilland Turbo Otter
Note our original de Havilland fonts and logo using our MaxDuracoat technology!
The aircraft is owned by a private owner who has multiple aircraft.  This is a single, turbine powered Otter used mostly for hunting trips up north. Ernie, the pilot, ferried the aircraft to Maxcraft for some upgrades.Â

The owner wanted enhanced situational awareness. Maxcraft added the new Garmin G600 which fulfils this requirement – bringing a glass cockpit to life. The owner also went with the GTS 800 (Traffic Avoidance System), SL40 radio, and a Garmin aera 796 GPS handheld.

Completing the aircraft upgrade was it’s new panel. Keeping with the original font and de Havilland logo, we did our ‘Maxpanel’ with the customer’s choice of MaxDuracoat finish. The Maxpanel upgrade really provided a professional and elegant finish for both the aircraft and it’s newly installed systems.
It was a great aircraft to work on, and quite a beautiful machine with all its massiveness and distinctive orange paint job. It was amazing to see, and a privilege to have in our hangar
Phoenix Heliflight’s Eurocopter AS355N

Coinciding with Maxcraft’s STC development, certification, and install of the Garmin G500H system for the Eurocopter AS355 rotorcraft, our customer added an astounding paintjob to the very same aircraft.
Maxcraft did all work for the STC out of their Fort McMurray airbase. The aircraft belongs to Pheonix Heliflight, a large heli operator based in Fort Mac. Work included the above mentioned G500H, custom MaxPanel with MaxDuracoat finish, GNS430 (GPS/NAV/COM), GTS800 (traffic system), RA-4500 (radar altimeter), GTX transponder, and custom panel lighting.

Soon after installation of the G500H and other systems, Phoenix Heliflight’s twin-engine Eurocopter AS355 received a very custom paint job: Phoenix themed, and with pink flames, it was done in support of National Breast Cancer Awareness. Every flight generates a donation courtesy of Phoenix’s owner, Paul Spring. Phoenix Heliflight’s modernized flagship-bird certainly takes to the skies in style.
Technical Side…
Is Your GPS Legal for IFR?Â
Don’t assume that the capable looking GPS installed in your panel can be legally utilized for IFR flight operations. There are two main requirements for IFR GPS: (1) The equipment must be designed and certified to meet minimum IFR operational capabilities. (2) The installation must be Transport Canada approved for IFR operations.
VFR GPS Equipment: Some of the older panel-mount GPS equipment is type approved for permanent installation in aircraft but is limited to VFR operations as it was not manufactured with IFR capabilities. None of the major avionics manufacturers are currently producing GPS equipment in this category.
Portable GPS Equipment: This category of equipment is not certified to meet any aviation standards at all. Portable GPS equipment is relatively inexpensive, has loads of cool features and can help greatly with situational awareness but it can’t be considered as primary reference for even VFR navigation. This equipment generally can’t be permanently installed in a certified aircraft due to its lack of qualifications. It is typically mounted is some sort of quick release bracket.
IFR GPS Equipment – VFR Installation: There are a significant number of aircraft equipped with GPS receivers that were designed for IFR operations but the installations were not certified for IFR use. These aircraft are required to have a placard near the GPS stating “GPS LIMITED TO VFR OPERATIONS ONLY”. We regularly encounter aircraft that are missing the limitations placard and the pilot/owner is unaware that the system is not approved for IFR operations. Â
IFR GPS Equipment – IFR Installation: In order to legally conduct IFR GPS operations, an aircraft must be equipped with an approved GPS receiver, appropriate peripheral equipment and the installation must approved for by Transport Canada for IFR.
How to determine if you’re Legal: The best way for a pilot to determine if the GPS system is approved for IFR operations is to review the “approved flight manual supplement” (AFMS). This required document, which must be Transport Canada and/or FAA approved, provides details of the installed system’s capabilities and limitations. If you don’t have an AFMS, the system is not approved for IFR operations.
Vendor Profile
About Avidyne Corporation
Avidyne Corporation is a market-leader in the design and manufacturing of integrated avionics systems for general aviation (GA) aircraft. Avidyne is headquartered in Lincoln, MA, with facilities in Melbourne, FL, Boulder, CO, and Westerville (Columbus), OH.
Experienced entrepreneur and pilot Dan Schwinn founded Avidyne in 1994 with the mission of modernizing GA avionics by applying advanced technology in order to improve safety and increase aircraft utility.
 Â Â 
Avidynes expanding line of avionics products include the Entegra Release 9 integrated flight deck, safety-enhancing DFC90/100 digital autopilots, datalink-capable EX600 multi-function displays (MFD), and a full line of safety sensors including the ADS-B-upgradeable TAS600 Series Traffic Advisory System the MLB700 Broadcast MLX770 datalink systems, and the TWX670 Tactical Lightning system.
Avidyne has announced a full line of panel-mounted, plug-and-play avionics that will be available starting in 2012, including the touch-screen IFD540

GPS/NAV/COM, the AMX240 Audio Panel, and the AXP340 Mode S Transponder with ADS-B. These systems set a new standard in ease of installation, ease of use, and safety.  Â
Who’s Who at Maxcraft? |
Who is Mike?

Our feature employee of the month is Mike Golech. Mike is a soft-spoken, or perhaps just a comparatively quiet AME (Avionics Aircraft Maintenance Engineer).
Mike works both on the road and out of our Pitt Meadows hangar. He specializes on the short term urgent jobs as they come up, often troubleshooting persistent problems and resolving AOG issues. With his almost forty years of experience, there is not much he hasn’t seen. In between the panics Mike keeps busy doing routine tasks such as transponder and pitot-static system checks.
When Mike began his career in the industry, there was no school for avionics and therefore, no license pertaining to avionics either. The main qualifications were that you had to have the aptitude, be able to learn while working on the aircraft and enjoy the job. When the avionics license came into effect, Mike and other well experienced technicians were grandfathered in subject to passing the air regulation exams.  Avionics work was done pretty much the same then as it is now, but with less paperwork the further north. Schools for avionics came at a later time.
Mike has been doing this since 1973. Starting at Bradley Air in Ottawa and in the Arctic, Mike has also worked in several cities across the country with the internal avionics departments for various airlines. Mike eventually made his way to Maxcraft in 2002. Mike genuinely enjoys learning about avionics and figuring out aircraft systems. At one time it was his hobby, but as he continued with it, his skills facilitated making it a full time job. Mike at one time retired, and then returned to his work place as he was doing the same thing retired.
Mike has one daughter, who is now 3rd generation avionics, and at one time worked at Maxcraft alongside her father. He has travelled over seas and worked a lot in the north. His favorite pastimes include his love of being outdoors, canoeing, taking photographs of nature, and being with his dog (who is part wolf). Mike is also both a vegan, and champion of sustainable living.Â
If you ever get the chance to meet him, ask him about “the crows”!