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and check out our online store, by clicking on the link below

Avionics to the Max!
Come and see us at our state of the art facility, where our friendly staff are here to help with your needs!
250-18799 Airport Way
Pitt Meadows Airport (CYPK)
Pitt Meadows, BC,
V3Y 2B4
Nov. 13 – 15, 2012
Vancouver, BC
Pacific Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Association
Jan. 16 – 19, 2013
Richmond, BC
Santa Claus, like all pilots gets regular visits from Transport Canada and the Civil Aviation Medical examiner and therefore arrived last week for the pre-Christmas flight check.
In preparation, Santa had the elves wash the sled and bathe all the reindeer. Santa got his logbook out and made sure all his paperwork was in order. He knew they would examine all his equipment and truly put Santa’s flying skills to the test.
The examiner walked slowly around the sled. He checked the reindeer harnesses, the landing gear, and even Rudolph’s nose. He painstakingly reviewed Santa’s weight and balance calculations for sled’s enormous payload. Finally, they were ready for the check ride.
Santa got in and fastened his seat belt and shoulder harness and checked the compass. Then the examiner hopped in carrying, to Santa’s surprise, a shotgun.
“What’s that for!?” asked Santa incredulously.
The examiner winked and said, “I’m not supposed to tell you this ahead of time,” as he leaned over to whisper in Santa’s ear, “but you’re gonna lose an engine on takeoff.”
Garmin Rebate
Aviation Portable Rebate!
Up to $200 USD on Aera 500 to Aera 796
Valid now until December 31, 2012
Portable Rebate Form

Another Garmin Holiday Rebate!
Save thousands of dollars when you purchase
a G500 w/ SVT or G600 and a GTN650 or 750.
Call us for more details on how to save on upgrading your Garmin panel!
Rebate offer Extended!
Purchase a SPOT at the new low price of $149 & receive a $50 mail in rebate
Valid now till
December 31, 2012
Fall Promotion
Aspen Avionics
Year End Promotions!
Discount off the EFD Pro, deepest pricing promotion ever offered good until December 31, 2012
$500 discount on Evolution Synthetic Vision is also available with these promotions or as a standalone purchase
Reminder that Aspen is doing a joint savings program with Avidyne on the DFC90 autopilot until
December 31, 2012
Call us for more details on these unbeatable prices!
for the rebate form
Save on Active Traffic systems, EX600 Multifunction Display and MLX770 Worldwide Datalink systems
Offer expires
December 31, 2012
See us for more details
Special Holiday pricing from BendixKing
KMA30 Bluetooth enabled audio control panel
Offer good until December 31, 2012
See us for more details
mail in rebate
For a limited time offer, ICOM is offereing rebate for on A6 and A24 avionic radios
Until December 31, 2012
Have a joke you would like to share?
Send us an email and we will feature your joke in the upcoming newsletters.

New Products
SAM – Standby Attitude Module – MD302 
Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics introduced an advanced, 2 x 5 – inch standby display at the NBAA convention last month. The MD302 Standby Attitude Module (SAM™) is an entirely self-contained, solid-state instrument that provides attitude, altitude, airspeed and slip information to the pilot during normal operation or in the case of primary instrument failure.
SAM is a compact device specifically designed to fit in less panel space than a standard set of 2-inch mechanical attitude, altitude and airspeed indicators. Its unique, two-screen display features selectable horizontal and vertical orientation. SAM is a unique and simple-to-use product that is an impressive addition to today’s high-tech glass cockpits. SAMs two-screen display is extremely easy for pilots to read, even at a glance. It provides a separate screen for aircraft attitude, with airspeed and altitude
on another.”
The MD302 Standby Attitude Module is designed to interface seamlessly with most primary avionics systems and is capable of synchronizing data, such as barometric pressures from standard ARINC outputs.
The unit is now TSO approved and AML STCs are anticipated during the first quarter of 2013.
Maxcraft expands to Chilliwack (CYCW) 
Maxcraft Avionics recently acquired the assets of Advanced Avionics and has partnered with Vantech Aviation and EA Structures to offer comprehensive avionics support to a growing aviation community in Chilliwack, B.C. Maxcraft’s director of business development, Steve Nunn, stated:
“Chilliwack has a vibrant pilot community and we have long heard from pilots that they wanted better avionics support. Maxcraft looks forward to supporting Vantech and EA, and will work closely with these partners to educate them on avionics technology to better service needs of their customers. As demand dictates we will be onsite working out of their facilities, along with other companies like Morgan Aviation Structures, to perform avionics work and consult on the avionics needs of the community”.
And for those who know Chilliwack – no it wasn’t because of the fresh pies baked daily (although our technicians are all eager to work out there!). Stay tuned for our first event of the New Year at CYCW, featuring a knowledge seminar, hands on equipment demos, consultations, and a bite to eat!
In the hangar |
Murphy Moose
The owner, who currently lives in Yellowknife, went to the Sun & Fun airshow in Florida and by coincidence met our Director of Business Development, Steve. They got chatting and came to discuss the aircraft owner’s homebuilt project – a Murphy Moose kit-plane. The owner was very interested in Garmin’s latest technology and wanted advice on a state-of-the art panel.

Eventually the aircraft owner sent his Moose by truck to Prince Edward Island for final completion by an experienced builder. There they installed some wiring kits along with a temporary ‘ferry panel’ which were both fabricated/sent by Maxcraft. The owner then flew from PEI in the Maritimes all the way to our shop here in Pitt Meadows, BC.

Having arrived, we started building his dream glass panel. The avionics chosen included the Garmin GTN 750, SL30 Nav/Com, dual Garmin G3X displays, a GMA 35 audio panel, and a GTX 327 transponder. Also added was a JPI EDM730 engine monitor, TruTrak autopilot and a Dynon backup Attitude Indicator. Maxcraft also took care of a few miscellaneous tasks such as installing shielded wire in the wings, troubleshooting misc. issues, and making sure most of the wire bundles were neatly crimped, terminated, and tied away. Read more about the Moose here.
Christmas is coming!
Stocking Ideas?

Why not a little something special for your pilot? There are many December rebates to take advantage of this month. (see side column)
The Spot 
The perfect stocking stuffer for the pilot. The SPOT 2 tracker offers emergency assistance when you need it. It gives family and friends a little bit of ease knowing when and where you are flying. Not just for the pilot, but great for hikers too. $149.95 with a $50 mail in rebate.

We have the Zulu.2 headset. This headset is loaded and in our opinion is the best on the market. State of the art ANR, weighing only 13 oz , Bluetooth connection, auto shutoff and stainless steel headband it’s a must have. Only $900.00 and receive a free gift!
Mountain High Oxygen
The leading supplier of oxygen aircraft systems. If your pilot likes to fly high, they will love this electronic pulse demand oxygen system. The Dual Place Electronic Delivery System with AL-415 and Full pack (02D2 with Aluminum Cylinder) is only $1,122.68.
Already have one? Check out our webstore for accessories.

Looking to use your phone while flying? This cell phone adapter with Bluetooth allows the use of Bluetooth with any general aviation headset. Great for filing a flight plan, phoning for fuel or calling a taxi. Only $268.00

Don’t know what to buy? Perhaps buy yourself, or your pilot friend, not a trip around the world, but a new Garmin Aera 796. Garmin is offering fabulous rebates on all portables from now until Dec. 31, 2012. With savings from $50 to $200 on various portables.
Garmin GTN650/750 or G500
Have you or your pilot been “good” all year? Want to treat yourself and your aircraft this Christmas? How about with a Garmin upgraded instrument panel. Garmin is offering a $2,500 rebate on a purchase of a G500 combined with GTN 650 or 750. See us for details. Rebate ends Dec. 21, 2012.

Technical Side… |
Glass Panel – Back Up Instruments
Okay, so you’ve made the decision and are going to upgrade your panel to glass. You may not realize it, but you also need to consider what you are going to use for back up instruments? All certified aircraft, when fitted with an electronic primary flight display (PFD), require back-up instruments for attitude, airspeed, altitude and heading. The wet compass will serve as heading backup.
Use Existing Instruments: Typically when an aircraft receives a new glass panel upgrade, the original attitude gyro, airspeed indicator and altimeter are retained and re-positioned to be used as backup instruments. Advantage – No additional equipment needed.
Panel Space Limitation: A new Garmin G500/G600 PFD occupies the position of six standard 3 1/8″ instruments. Some aircraft physically don’t have the space for the three required backup instruments.
2 ¼” Instrument Option: If the standard 3 1/8″ instruments won’t fit, one or more 2 ¼ inch instruments can be installed to meet the requirement. The disadvantages of 2 ¼” instruments include:
- They are fairly expensive – A set of three can easily cost $12,000 or more.
- They are significantly smaller and subsequently are more difficult to see.
- They can be less reliable than standard 3 1/8″ instruments.
EFIS Failure Considerations: If the EFIS PFD should fail, the pilot must immediately revert to the backup instruments. Once a pilot has become used to using a PFD for primary reference, it can be very difficult to revert to traditional instruments. If the failure occurs in IMC, loss of control is possible as the pilot attempts to revert to traditional instruments.
L3 Trilogy
Electronic Standby Instrument (ESI):
Electronic backup instruments are now available which utilize the same symbology as the PFD and occupy less panel space than traditional backup instruments. The L-3 Avionics “Trilogy” ESI-1000/ESI-2000 systems are STC approved as backup instruments on a large number of GA aircraft. Mid-Continent Instruments recently announced their SAM (standby attitude module) product, Aerosonic is promoting the OASIS standby instrument system and Aspen introduced a product they call the Evolution Backup Display. Each of these products can provide IFR pilots with a backup to their PFD which includes attitude, airspeed and altitude indicators (plus optional heading) all integrated into a single display with EFIS symbology.
Vendor Profile
Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics
Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics is an industry leader in the overhaul/ exchange, repair, custom design and manufacturing of aircraft instruments, avionics and power solutions for the general aviation community. With more than 48 years of experience, Mid-Continent has spent decades enhancing product designs, refining new technologies and establishing a respected reputation as a premiere service provider and manufacturer.
They manufacture over 20,000 units a year, 15,000 units are overhauled/exchanged and repaired, they offer one-on-one customer service and employ over 175 employees in two locations.
Mid-Continent has a team of engineers that proudly design innovative solutions for nearly every general aviation aircraft manufacture and provide specialized aftermarket products to customers around the globe.
Who’s Who at Maxcraft? |
Who is Stevie?
Our featured employee this month is Stevie Campbell. Stevie works in Stores doing all the shipping and receiving, does some part sales and handles all the paperwork for component repairs coming into Maxcraft.

Stevie’s employment history includes working for 9 years as an executive assistant in the Forest Industry, and then taking 13 years to be a “stay-at-home” mom. After raising 3 children, she went to CHC Int’l (which became Heli-One) and worked for 9 years in various departments including Maintenance, Operations and Stores. Eventually she moved to Maxcraft bringing her knowledge and expertise.
Stevie has a new appreciation for avionics and says that “Maxcraft has given me the opportunity to see the repair process from the beginning to the end product – not just one small portion of the process that occurs within larger companies”. While being at Maxcraft, she has had the opportunity to have a flight in Maxcrafts fixed wing, Cessna 182P.
Stevie has had a few favorite moments while working in aviation which include rides in a Bell 212, Sikorsky S61 and S76. At CHC, she also had a chance to go to Thailand for 2 ½ weeks to help out with the annual inventory count.
A big fan of the CFL and NHL you will see her wearing her jersey’s during the appropriate seasons. When her kids were growing up she served as a “team manager/mom” for numerous community sports such as football and softball.
Stevie has been with Maxcraft now for 7 years bringing her humor and love of sports with her. She does love to sing, and you will now and then catch her singing the odd tune from an old television jingle from the past at which point she does threaten to leave us and join the Langley Theatre (if they will take her). I bet her grandkids love having her babysit!
Announcement! |
We are changing our look!
We are going for a new look! We have been doing the newsletter for over of 2 years, and we’ve had tremendous positive feedback and some suggestions to make it even better from you. Keep your eye out for our new newsletter. It will have a better format, will be easier to read, and offer more information. We will be pushing our newsletter every 2 months with the next one due out in February. Give us some feed back and let us know what you want to see in this newsletter or maybe what you don’t want. Our readers, you are our best resource.
Happy holidays from all of us at Maxcraft Avionics! See you in the new year!