“Bringing you knowledge of the latest in avionics technology”
In This Issue
Upcoming Events
New Products
What’s happening at Maxcraft
The Technical Side
Vendor Profile
In the Hanger
Who’s who?
Summer Rebates
Aircraft Electronics Association
August 27-28, 2013
“Maxcraft did an incredible job before, during and after installation of my new panel. They were on time on budget and were a pleasure to work with.
They provide excellent customer support answering my questions promptly when I call them.
I wish I could master the operation of this incredible equipment as quickly as they
installed it.
I recommend them without hesitancy or qualification”
More Successes
While I was standing in line for a jumpseat at the gate an agent was approached by a little old woman.
The agent asked her “Would you like to have a window or an isle seat today?”
Before he could finish she quickly responded with her hands over her head and said “Oh heavens no, a window will mess up my hair!”
Real – life ADS-B Applications!
Read about all about new products from EAA Ventures, our newest staff member, and real-life testimonials on ADS-B usage by pilots in the air.
New Products
Maxcraft Avionics receives STC SA13-32

for installation of GWX70 Weather Radar, GTS 850 TCAS I , and GTX330 Mode S Transponders in Hawker Beechcraft 200 and B200 Aircraft, read more about this STC.
Maxcraft Avionics receives STC SA13-31

for installation of Universal Avionics CVR-120A/R Cockpit Voice Recorder for Hawker Beechcraft 200 and B200 Aircraft, you can read more about this STC here.
ZULU PFX (Personal Flying Experience)
The quietest aviation headset available with new features including:

- Streaming Quiet – dynamic ANR continuously adapts to your environment
- Acoustic response mapping- uses sound waves to measure the user’s ear size and shape
- Personal preference – enhanced capabilities using FlightLink, an app developed by Lightspeed
Bendix/King KT 74 Transponder
If a new transponder is on your “to-get” list, you might want to choose one that’s both relevant now and in the future. The KT 74 transponder from Bendix/King is the easiest upgrade to the popular KT 76A/C and KT 78A models, with a ‘plug and go’ capacity. It’s also ADS-B compliant, therefore meeting all 2020 requirements.
It is low-cost, easy to install and fits into your existing panel. Suiting your needs now and in the future.
Target release set for last quarter of 2013! |
Key Advantages
* Retrofit – ‘plug and play’ installation
* Low-cost solution offset future costs
* Low power consumption
* ETSO and TSO approved Mode S
* Accurate readings with updates every few seconds
* More efficient routing and better situational awareness
* Meets ADS-B 2020 requirements*
Facts on the Fly
* ADS-B will result in better communication between pilots and air traffic controllers for more efficient
routing and resource management
* Anyone who flies a Mode C or Mode S transponder
will need to be equipped with ADS-B “Out” by 2020
* ADS-B “Out” means you’re broadcasting your position
information to ground stations and other aircrafts
Canadian VFR Charts now on Foreflight Ipad App
Announcing ForeFlight Mobile 5.2
Featuring VFR (VNC and VTA) charts from NAV CANADA
Plus FAA Heli/Gulf of Mexico charts and Distance Rings.

With the ForeFlight Canada subscription, enjoy easy access to all of the instrument procedures from the Canada Air Pilot (CAP), airport data from the Canada Flight Supplement (CFS) as well as full VNC, VTA, and IFR low/high enroute chart coverage from Nav Canada.
Garmin GTR200 COMM Radio
Designed specifically for light sport (LSA) and experimental aircraft, the GTR 200 combines powerful Comm capabilities with advanced workload-reducing features formerly only found in high-end certified systems.

Powerful Features in a Small Package
- Best-in-class, all-in-1 radio and stereo intercom solution
- Powerful 10 W Comm with a slim 1.35″ tall design and large sunlight-readable display
- Displays facility name and type when tuned to user-defined presets or supplied by compatible portables/G3X™
- Advanced audio panel features including 3D Audio and auto-squelch
- Advanced standby monitoring, crystal clear stereo input and input for system alerts
Bendix/King KLR 10 Lift Reserve Indicator (Angle of Attack)
Bendix/King has announced its entry into the AoA market with the new KLR10, which uses differential pressure to infer angle of attack and presents this data on a color-coded display in the cockpit, and through audio warnings. Initially, the KLR10 will be for experimental aircraft only, but it will soon be certified for all aircraft.

The KLR 10 system is primarily designed to improve operational safety of airplanes by increasing pilot awareness of available lift during operations at high angles of attack (AOA). Additional benefits may be reaped by identifying or maximizing aircraft performance based on a fixed AOA or a constant CL, such as maximum range, best glide, climbs and approaches.
What’s happening at Maxcraft
Technicians in training, everywhere and here….
Here at Maxcraft, we are firm believers in constant professional development. Making sure all of our technicians and staff receive ongoing training is how we stay abreast of the latest technology and practices. And with today’s technology changing faster than you can spell it, we take pride in making sure that our technicians understand are fully versed in the very latest and greatest that today’s avionics industry has to offer.
See where we sent our technicians and what they were taught. We take pride in giving our customers full disclosure of what our technicians are learning to know they are up to speed with the latest technology. Read more on our blog.
The Technical Side: An ADS-B update for Canadians 
We’ve written articles in the past about the American ADS-B aircraft tracking/locating/surveillance system and the FAA requirement for all aircraft flying in the US to have this technology on board by the year 2020. Since we wrote those articles in May of 2012, manufacturers have introduced new ADS-B compliant equipment, Maxcraft has installed several systems, and our customers have gained some real-life experience of using this new technology. We’ve heard the same numbers from multiple informed sources: if every avionics shop started working full time on ADS-B installations they would have to maintain a rate of 125 installations per day in order to have all aircraft compliant by 2020. The FAA says they cannot extend their deadline past 2020! Of course this doesn’t even account for the many Canadians that fly into the US. At Maxcraft we have been advising our southbound clients to upgrade to ADS-B whenever their aircraft are in for other avionics work. As you will see below there are many cost effective options available now to help you reap the benefits of free traffic, weather and preferential routing.
System Infrastructure Status
According to the FAA, 525 ADS-B ground stations were in service on June 30th and the full US network of 794 ground stations will be operational by early 2014. The existing ground stations are already broadcasting TIS-B and FIS-B information with good coverage over much of the United States with nationwide coverage expected by late 2013. For current ADS-B infrastructure status
ADS-B System Hardware Availability
Since the FAA finalized ADS-B performance standards in 2010, avionics manufacturers have been racing to bring compliant products to market. The following is a summary of avionics products availability today or expected soon.

Garmin GTX330/GTX33 Transponders:
The Extended Squitter (ES) versions of these transponders are ADS-B “Out” capable when interfaced with an approved GPS Position source. They are STC approved for installation into hundreds of GA aircraft models. Existing GTX330 and GTX33 transponders can be factory upgraded to add ADS-B capability. Availability –Now
Garmin GDL-88 UAT:

The GDL 88 is a dual-link Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) that provides ADS-B “Out” compliance, but also includes ADS-B “In” capability for subscription-free weather and advanced traffic display to the cockpit. It can be interfaced with an existing approved GPS position source or it is optionally available with an internal WAAS GPS receiver. This system is STC approved for installation into hundreds of GA aircraft. Availability –Now

Garmin GDL-39:
The GDL 39 is a portable ADS-B “In” device which utilizes built-in Bluetooth capability to link to the iPad or aera795/796. This system does not have ADS-B out capability but works well on aircraft equipped with a separate ADS-B “Out” only system. Availability – Now

Freeflight Ranger 978 UAT:
FreeFlight produces a family of lightweight ADS-B devices. The FDL-978-TX Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) is a fully compliant ADS-B “Out” device with “In” capability. Availability – Now

Trig Avionics TT31 Transponder:
This transponder which was designed to fit into the popular KT 76A mounting tray and is ADS-B “Out” capable when interfaced with an approved GPS Position source. An FAA STC approves its installation into a number of common GA aircraft. Availability – Now

Aspen Avionics ARX100/ATX200/ATX200G:
Aspen offers a full line of ADS-B solutions. The ARX100 is a certified dual band ADS-B “In” receiver. The ATX200 is similar to the ARX100 but adds ADS-B “Out” capability on 978 MHZ. The ATX200G adds a WAAS GPS Receiver for a fully integrated “In & Out” solution. Availability – Soon
Bendix/King KT74 Transponder:
This new transponder was designed as a slide-in replacement for existing KT76A/KT78A transponders and is ADS-B “Out” capable when interfaced with an approved GPS Position source. Availability – Soon
Avidyne AXP340 Transponder:

The new AXP-340 transponder was designed as a slide-in replacement for existing KT76A/KT78A transponders is ADS-B “Out” capable when interfaced with an approved GPS Position source. Availability – Soon

Rockwell Collins:
Rockwell Collins has announced their plans to meet the latest ADS-B requirements by introducing a new TDR-94/94D-5XX transponder which will be available by late 2013.
Honeywell Primus II:
Honeywell recently announced an ADS-B “Out” upgrade program for aircraft equipped with the Honeywell Primus II avionics. Availability – March 2014
Real Life ADS-B Experience
It’s one thing to talk about technology and the features it should bring to pilots, but the real test is to see how well it actually functions in the air, and in real-life situations. Last year, Daryl and Steve attended an FAA seminar where it was stated that although compliance to ADS-B regs is mandatory by 2020, controllers would be giving preferential treatment toADS-B equipped aircraft immediately. This makes perfect sense because from a controller’s perspective ADS-B is really a certificate of positional accuracy on an ATC scope. Here is some feedback from two of our clients on their ADS-B experience:
- Twin engine Baron – Garmin G600 display, dual GTN750 Nav/Coms, GTX330-ES transponder, GDL88 ADS-B receiver
First flight into the US since ADS-B to Palm Springs
- Picking up his IFR clearance over Truckee/Tahoe CA on the way home
- Pilatus PC-12 calls first for his IFR clearance to Bellingham
- Baron calls in next for his IFR clearance to Abbotsford
- He thinks somebody else might have called as well
- Baron gets cleared first, as filed!
- Wx worked as indicated but customer has XM weather already
- Traffic is seen on his G500 but also on the GTN750’s with Garmin’ unique “Target Trend” showing relative motion of traffic
- Cessna 182 – Garmin GNS530 Nav/Com, Aspen EFD1000 display, GTX330-ES transponder, GDL39 ADS-B receiver Bluetooth link to display on Garmin AERA796
- First flight in the US since ADS-B install across all of the US from East cost to Pitt Meadows!
- A very good test ship as our customer has a standalone traffic system, TIS traffic over the major airports in the US, and of course ADS-B so he could compare all they systems
- He found that in real-life conditions he was able to pick up ADS-B signal most times at circuit altitude
- ADS-B weather was not nearly as good as XM weather
- Resolution of graphics was not as good and seemed to have some missing sections
- Seemed slower to display
- It is an acknowledged fact that ADS-B weather has limitations but also it doesn’t have a $50 monthly fee
- Traffic worked extremely well displaying on the AERA796
- At one point he thought there was misleading data as it showed two traffic hits 1200 ft. below him when he was only at 1300ft.!
- Turns out it were two crop dusters working the fields over Illinois !!
- He really liked the relative motion vector showing up on his AERA796 and the ability to click on it for more detail (see pics below).
- Despite being in Canada customer was seeing traffic via ADS-B through the air to air communication of ADS-B compliant aircraft
- These are real shots of an Air Canada aircraft over Calgary
- Note relative motion vector on traffic
- Note details of traffic after clicking on traffic icon (that’s AC flight 1402)

These are but two early examples with two very different ADS-B installations. The bottom line is that our customers are happy with their systems, they’re getting value now, and they beat the inevitable mad rush that will come in 2020. As you can see, there are many ways to get your aircraft compliant. ADS-B is somewhat complex, so feel free to drop in to Maxcraft for a chat on how ADS-B could work for you.
Vendor Profile: Bendix/King
The history of the Bendix name runs parallel to the development of King Radio until the mid-1980s, when the Allied Corporation purchased Bendix Aviation and King Radio and combined the two to create the now-renowned Bendix/King brand of avionics.
Through a series of mergers and acquisitions, Allied Corporation became Honeywell in 1999. Yet because of the strong brand recognition, Bendix/King continued as the brand name for Honeywell’s light aircraft avionics. Over the ensuing years, Bendix/King moved off of the center stage as the parent company began to focus more on innovative solutions for Air Transport, Regional and Corporate aviation. But through those years, Bendix/King continued to support its valuable customers and is still today a major supplier of light aircraft avionics.
In 2012, Bendix/King avionics established new business operations in Albuquerque, NM. The tradition of leadership and innovation continues with Bendix/King. Along with new business operations, Bendix/King has renewed the brand – and their promise to customers – to design, build and support the best-performing, most innovative and cost-effective avionics products available for general aviation.
Today, Bendix/King is committed to the creation of innovative, affordable, intuitive avionics for the
general aviation pilot. Known for its quality and reliability, Bendix/King avionics, has a complete line of products from GPS Navigators to Communications Radios to iPad® applications for the light aircraft cockpit. Bendix/King continues to innovate. Bendix/King products are complemented by world class customer service.
Recently introduced products include a KT 74 Mode S ADS-B Compliant Transponder and the
KLR 10 Lift Reserve Indicator for experimental aircraft. When pilots choose to fly with Bendix/King they can be confident that the products that they depend upon today will serve them well into the future. For more information, please visit Bendix/King online at www.bendixking.com or join us on Facebook.

In the Hanger: Cessna 182 and the Baron

Cessna 182
This 1969 Cessna 182M was purchased in 2009 as a bigger, faster upgrade from the owner’s old 172. It’s seen a lot of the world in its 44 years.
The owner, Dave Qualley, an experienced CASARA pilot with many hours logged, wanted to make sure that his avionics systems were modernized and ship-shape prior to making a very long trip.
Read more here on our projects page about his trip and what we did to his aircraft!
Beech Baron
This Beechcraft Baron visited us in the fall as it had some issues with its radar system. While with us we added dual GTN750s, digital radar, and a ADS-B system. Read more here about this project here and installed.
In the Hanger: The MX2 and the Harmon Rocket

This is an aerobatic two seater, experimental category aircraft, made of carbon fibre. It offers great performance, agility and ruggedness for aerobatic competitions and air shows.
The pilot, Dave, needed his aircraft completed and ready to go with just a few days notice. With our crew working hard through the night, Super Dave was able to take off for his airshow the next day.

Embedded with Mark Miller – Ultimate Aerobatics
Get to know the employee… Who is Alex?
Our featured employee this month is Alex Khavin. Alex is our newest employee as well as one of our oldest. This week, he re-joins us on the sales team as a Technical Sales Associate. Alex has an extensive background in customer service as well as considerable technical knowledge of avionics. With his combined skills, he will increase our sales capacity while providing the very best in informed customer service.
Alex began his career over ten years ago. From the very start he had a tremendous fascination with aircraft, airplanes and flying. Early on, he was encouraged to consider avionics as a career. We all think he made the right choice.
Alex began with schooling at BCIT, where he trained to become an avionics technician. Afterwards he took his first industry job at Helipro as an apprentice technician. After meeting Daryl, Alex came to work for us at Maxcraft, where he stayed for eight and half years, working both as a technician and in customer service. Due to family commitments he wasn’t able to move with us to Pitt Meadows. Instead, Alex moved to Pacific Avionics — At Pacific, Alex gained even more experience in the sales area of aviation. Now, just four years later he has returned to Maxcraft, a place he considers home.
Alex was born in Russia and has lived in four different countries over the course of his life: Russia, Cuba, Israel, and Canada. Married for thirteen years, he and his beautiful wife have two children and two dogs.
Alex loves animals, tinkering with cars, camping in the wild, and travelling. Alex enjoys his kick boxing workouts and says he’s a pretty good dancer. We’ll probably see him on the dance floor next Christmas party!
Alex is considered a very valuable employee owing to his combined aviation industry familiarity and charismatic style of customer service. We are happy to have him back at Maxcraft.
More Summer Rebates for your favorite products
Purchase more and save more with Garmin
Garmin is offering a “purchase more and save more” rebate with up to $7,000 in total savings.
There has never been a better time for owners to install a complete Garmin avionics package! With our experienced install team, many of these installs can be done without missing a weekend of flying!
As of July 15, 2013 through August 31, 2013 you can save up to $7,000 when purchasing Garmin avionics. Up to six of the following products per aircraft: Flight Display (G500 with SVT or G600), Garmin GTN 750/650, GWX 70 and/or Traffic System (GTS 800, 825, 855) to qualify for the rebates.

The $50 SPOT2 mail-in rebate on now!Offer runs till Sept 30, 2013
- Price of $119.99 for eligibility
- Customer needs to activate BASIC plus Tracking ($99.99 + $49.99) to be eligible
- $50 VISA Gift Card

Starting July 29,2013 Lightspeed has announced a Summer 2013 Promotion on Zulu 2‘s.
$100 instant savings!
Zulu 2 summer special price is $800 now until September 27, 2013. Hurry in now whilst they’re still in stock!

Aspen is pleased to announce a continuation of special savings! Through August 30th, 2013, Apsen is reducing the price on any display (Pro, C3, ProH, MFD1000 and MFD500). Call us for more details on pricing!

Avidyne is offering Free ADS-B Upgrade to TAS-A order TAS605A, TAS615A or TAS620A and receive a free upgrade coupon (fixed wing only)
Save $2,000 on a new MFD when you trade in any CRT or analog radar display
DFC90 Panel Makeover get your PFD and MFD refurbished, a new DFC90 Autopilot, plus a two year Aeroplan warranty
Take advantage on Savings on any combination of all Avidyne products
- buy 2 different Avidyne unites, get a $1,000 instant rebate
- buy 3 different Avidyne units, get a $3,000 instant rebate
- buy 4 different Avidyne units, get a $5,000 instant rebate
If you would more information or to pre-order please contact our sales department at sales@maxcraft.ca or 604-465-3080.

Maxcraft Avionics offers specials too! Go to our webstore for specials and check the website for our used/reconditioned avionics list – updated monthly on items we have.
Contact Us
250 – 18799 Airport Way, Pitt Meadows Airport (CYPK), Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B4
YVR Office – 4360 Agar Drive, Richmond BC V7B 1A4
