
Avionics to the Max!
Come and see us at our state of the art facility, where our friendly staff are here to help with your needs!
250-18799 Airport Way
Pitt Meadows Airport (CYPK)
Pitt Meadows, BC,
V3Y 2B4

Cobham Rebate!
Purchase a new System 30 or System 50 Autopilot and earn a $1,000 rebate! Hurry, this is a limited offer!
Garmin Deal!
The popular GPSMAP 696/695 is better than ever!They have another reason for you to own one! Their new lower priceof up to $800 off! These portables featuring their panel page, 7″ display, and pre-loaded FliteCharts can be yours with this new low price of $2,199/$1,899! Come in take our demo unit out for a test drive!

The Spot!
The Spot is having another Limited Time Rebate Offer! Act now to receive a $50 mail-in rebate on a SPOT-2! Come see us for your new Spot!
We were recently in Calgary at the Skyservice Business Aviation Hangar for the Canadian Business Aviation Association on July 7, 2011. It was a great success with lots of networking!
Come join us as our guest at the Garmin Open House Tour on August 18th at the Salem, Oregon airport! Meet the engineers behind the magic and come see the place where avionics are designed and built. New product seminars and factory tours will be provided. For details contact j This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
OshKosh – AirVenture
July 25-July 31
(August 12,13,14)
Garmin Seminar on
Sept. 14 2011 at Maxcraft Avionics
Save the date!
Actual exchanges between pilots and control towers:
Tower: “Delta 351, you have traffic at 10 o’clock, 6 miles!”
Delta 351: “Give us another hint! We have digital watches!”
New Products
News direct from EAA AirVenture – Oshkosh!

ASPEN AVIONICS announced its patent-pending line of Connected Panel products that seamlessly integrate aviation application data from personal handheld devices with certified avionics installed in an aircraft’s panel.
AVIDYNE CORP. introduced a full line of panel-mounted, plug-and-play avionics for general aviation aircraft. Avidyne’s new avionics stack includes the IFD540 FMS/GPS/nav/comm system with touch screen user interface, the AMX240 stereo audio panel with marker beacon, the AXP340 Mode S extended squitter transponder and the attitude-based DFC90 digital autopilot.
Avidyne also announced today that they are expanding the available market for the DFC90 Digital Flight Control System to include the Cessna 182, Beechcraft Bonanza and Beechcraft Baron models. The DFC90 is currently certified for Entegra-equipped Cirrus SR20s and SR22s, and Avidyne is nearing certification of the DFC90 for Piper PA-46 Matrix and Mirage aircraft.
GARMIN has introduced the GTX 23 transponder as a lower-cost option for experimental aircraft or LSA to meet the rules. The new remote-mounted transponder will operate with Garmin’s G3X flat glass display system found on experimental aircraft and used on LSA such as Cessna Skycatchers.

ROCKWELL COLLINS unveiled the industry’s first touch-control primary flight displays for business jets and turboprop aircraft, which will be available on future applications of the company’s Pro Line Fusion avionics system.
JEPPESEN & GARMIN have teamed to provide Jeppesen’s NavData databases at a bundled, discounted rate for Garmin’s GTN avionics systems as well as the G600, G500 and/or G500H. The bundle agreement allows customers to simplify the purchase, database update and customer support process.
In the Hangar |
Our on-going mini projects
Our major projects are still underway but we thought you might like to see some of our smaller weekly undertakings.

Right out of Eurocopter Canada located in Fort-Erie, Ontario, this beautiful new AS350B3 flew directly to Maxcraft for some changes. With our staff in awe of this new machine, we had to focus and install music inputs, 6 new Zulu 2 ANR headsets and panel power jacks, and wiring provisions for a fuel filter kit. It left after a few days with its rotor blades in full swing going to Vancouver Island where it resides with its owner using it for recreation and transport to and from the mainland.
This airplane was a recent personal purchase of one of our commercial customers. He flies a fleet of piston and jet aircraft, and turbine helicopters but chose this so he could go out and have some fun. This was a simple job for us of installing a new Kannad 406mHz ELT, the panel mounted emergency switch, and an internal antenna with ground plane (due to the fabric construction).
Our shop repair capabilities |
Aircraft owners and operators frequently do not understand the diversity of capabilities and the specialized nature of avionics services. Many avionics shops focus entirely on new installations and have little or no shop capability to repair avionic components and/or instruments. Some other shops have the exact opposite focus whereas Maxcraft does it all. It would be very costly today for any shop to add significant component repair capabilities. Custom test harnesses, specialized test equipment and maintenance manuals are needed for each item added to the capability list. Most shops with significant shop repair capabilities have been in business a long time and accumulated these items over decades. Technicians who work repairing avionics equipment or instruments have a significantly different skill set from the technicians that work on aircraft. Maxcraft added shop repair capabilities in the early 1990s after purchasing the assets from a closed shop. Today customers from across Canada, Europe, United States, Brazil, Thailand, India and the Middle East send avionics components to Maxcraft for repair. |
Vendor Profile
Becker Avionics

Becker Avionics is a German manufacturer that produces very well engineered avionic products known for their compact design, ruggedness and power efficiency. Although Becker products are not quite as well known in North America as some avionics brands, they do have a very loyal following. Becker’s “Prime Line” of Dzus mounted equipment is particularly well suited for medium sized helicopters while their “Compact Line” is popular with many light sport, homebuilt and antique aircraft owners.

The Becker DVCS6100 digital audio system is an industry leading product designed for radio intensive, multi-user mission aircraft. The digital design eliminates noise problems and enables operational reconfiguration without wiring changes. The DVCS6100 is standard equipment in the Eurocopter EC-145 helicopter.
Who’s Who at Maxcraft? |
Who is Dave?
Dave is manager of our Design Services department. In his 13 years, 7 months and a few days (but who’s counting), he has done nearly everything at Maxcraft! He’s been the new guy, crew chief and occasionally the alternate PRM (person responsible for maintenance). Dave’s system design skills have contributed greatly to Maxcraft success in obtaining numerous STC approvals. 
Dave graduated from BCIT’s avionics program in 1990, where he met some of his current co-workers. Before joining Maxcraft, Dave spent time at Helipro USA (1997), some years outside of the aviation world learning how profitable businesses were run in the manufacturing field and at Island Avionics (1990-1992).
Since his early days at Maxcraft, Dave has focused on designing system integrations to suit customer needs. Dave was the project lead for much of our installation work for many years with responsibility for design, work order management and scheduling. Dave has played a key role in building up Maxcraft’s resources, tools, technical data, and even the IT department. Since 2002 Dave has mainly focused on system integrations which require TCCA approval. Dave’s favourite avionics challenge is mission-specific applications for aircraft other than those privately owned or in normal commercial operations. Dave likes aircraft with personality especially specific use aircraft. Though he’s not a pilot, he has taught himself the lingo and spent a lot of time around aircraft in his youth.
On the personal side, Dave has been married for 12 years, and together with his wife, Cindy, they have two boys ages 9 and 6. Outside of Maxcraft he likes to spend time with his family and woodworking.