“Bringing you knowledge of the latest in avionics technology”
Dubai Business Aviation
DWC, Dubai Airshow Site
Dec 6-8, 2016
Northwest Aviation conference & tradeshow
Puyallup, Washington
Feb 25-26, 2017
Customer Comments
“Montair Aviation Inc, is a flight school based out of Pitt Meadows, BC, operating a fleet of Cessna 152, 172 and PA34. We would like to thank Maxcraft for the effective team work and professionalism in keeping our aircraft in air. Maxcraft has provided us with exceptional service which includes regular maintenance, fixing squaks and avionics panel upgrades. We would recommend Maxcraft avionics to other operators.”
More Successes
Avionic Humour
A pilot has engine trouble and lands in a field. As he walks around the plane to check out the problem, he hears a voice behind him say, “You have a clogged fuel line.”
Looking around, he sees no one, except a cow. Startled out of his wits, he runs across the field to the farmer’s house and pounds on the door.
When the farmer appears at the door, the out-of-breath pilot stammers that his cow has just talked–and even tried to explain what was wrong with the airplane.
The farmer drawled, “Was it a brown cow?” “Yes.” “Did it have a white patch on its forehead?” “Yes, yes, that’s the one.” “OK, that’s Flossie. Don’t pay no attention to her. She doesn’t know nothin’ about aeroplanes.”
New products, enhancements, and STC’s from Maxcraft, and the inaugural Vancouver IMC Club meeting. Our hangar is full again after the summer doldrums with lots of ADS-B installs and such. It’s Christmas rebate season and Santa seems more generous than ever!
New Products/Announcements
Maxcraft STC for GTN750 in AS332 Super Puma Helicopter

Maxcraft’s Design Services team is pleased to announce Transport Canada STC SH16-32 which approves installation of Gamin GTN750H navigation systems in Eurocopter AS332C, AS332L and AS332L1 helicopters. This STC was developed for a third party client; one of the helicopter industry’s largest service providers.
Maxcraft Avionics received Transport Canada STC SH16-35 for installation of the MD302 Standby Attitude Module in the Sikorsky S76A/B/C
This replaces legacy Standby

Attitude Indicators with the Mid-Continent solid state MD302 Standby Attitude Module which provides critical flight and situational data to the pilot. Helijet International was our launch customer for this STC and we are in the process of updating their legacy S76A models with these new indicators.
Maxcraft Avionics– expanded CVR/FDR testing.
We have invested in a significant expansion of our CVR and FDR download analysis capabilities. This expansion is intended to address the regional capability gap due to the closure of Pacific Avionics. Maxcraft’s goal is to ensure that the needs of business and commercial aircraft in western Canada continue to be well supported.
GTX™ 345/335 Part 27 AML STC Now Available
Garmin announced the new AML STC provides installation approval for the GTX 345/335 series in more than 60 rotorcraft models. The GTX 345 enables a variety of capabilities for rotorcraft pilots by displaying ADS-B traffic and subscription-free weather¹ on GTN™ and GNS 430W/530W series navigators, as well as select Garmin portables, Garmin Pilot™ and ForeFlight Mobile via Connext® technology. With options for a built-in GPS, the GTX 345 and GTX 335 are truly all-in-one ADS-B solutions for rotorcraft operators.
BENDIXKING received FAA approval for the installation of its KT 74 ADS-B Transponder and KGX-Series ADS-B transceivers on a broad list of general aviation helicopters.
GOGO BUSINESS AVIATION announced new cockpit and operational applications for use with its ATG 1000 in-flight connectivity system, which is specifically aimed at the light jet and turboprop segments.
GARMIN and JEPPESEN agreed to integrate Jeppesen terminal charts with the iOS-based Garmin Pilot app.
- Garmin also announced the latest version of Pilot 8.5 app that
- adds a suite of aircraft-centric enhancements, including weight and balance, custom checklists and advanced performance data.
- Introduced Freehand™ functionality, a unique flight planning tool, along with the ability to customize home screen menu icons and more.
FOREFLIGHT Pilot App announced:
- Major enhancements to ForeFlight on the web make it easier than ever to plan, file and brief, manage aircraft profiles, view Track Logs, and access account management functions
- Upgrades to Aeronautical Maps, Safety Alerts, and Logbook
- SiriusXM’s SXAR1 portable receiver delivers satellite weather and GPS data via Bluetooth
Flightmate, an audio storage/recall system included in the new PMA8000G, now provides an extra layer of alerting for aircraft events and quick access to audio checklists. The company also introduced the PMA450A audio panel that includes a larger display with white text on black organic LED technology.
Lynx and ForeFlight Are Now Compatible
Maxcraft asked Fore it and L-3 and ForeFlight delivered: The Lynx NGT-9000, -2500 and -2000 models are now compatible with the ForeFlight Mobile App. This powerful combination lets users expand their ADS-B traffic and weather viewing options. Connect to ForeFlight using your Lynx Wi-Fi, which is standard on the NGT-9000, -2500 and -2000 models.
In the Hangar:
ADS-B Installs
C180 – Lynx 9000+ |
The theme for this summer and fall has been ADS-B installs! As our industry has been warning us, the push to get compliance for the Jan 2020 ADS-B mandate has started and we expect this pace to continue to pick up the closer we get to the mandate. The interesting statistic from FAA tells us that if all the avionics shops were doing exclusively ADS-B installs, we still won’t get them complete by the end of 2019! What does that tell you? If you fly south of the border, don’t procrastinate and book a production slot with your avionics shop. We are seeing many of our US customer’s flying up to our facility as well as local Cdn aircraft owners who occasionally fly south of the border. Here are some examples of recent ADS-B installs we have completed:
- Bonanza F33 – Installed a Garmin GTX345 transponder connected up to an existing GNS430 position source
- Cessna C180 – Installed a Lynx 9000+ transponder with internal GPS position source and active traffic
C172 – GTN650, GTN345, New Panel |
- Cessna 172 – Installed a Garmin GTN650 GPS/Nav/Com and GTX345 transponder, along with a new metal MaxPanel
- Cessna 172 – Installed a Garmin GTX345 transponder
Homebuilt RV9A goes all Glass!
RV-9A Garmin G3X Touch Glass Panel |
Our customer had recently purchased a beautifully built Vans RV-9A aircraft. He came to us with a wish list for a more modern and reliable glass panel and equally important, to get rid of the horrible background noise in his intercom.
RV-9A Original Panel |
Despite the previous owners efforts of installing 5 noise filters, the real problem was rats nest of wiring behind the panel.
RV-9A old wiring |
We gutted the avionics and wiring, installed new avionics , metal panel and wiring, and are happy to say he is flying behind a very quiet intercom and radio system now!
We installed the following:
RV-9A new wiring |
Garmin G3X Touch flight screen display
- With full engine monitoring
- Garmin GTR panel mount Com radio
- Garmin GTX 45R Exp Transponder with ADS-B
- New Metal Max Instrument Panel
- New Stick Grips with switches integrated to avionics
- New wiring
Vancouver Chapter of the IMC Club – Master the Art of Instrument Flying on Dec 7th @7pm
Local IFR pilots Rick Johnson and Steve Nunn have formed a Vancouver Chapter of the IMC Club. The inaugural IMC Club meeting is the evening of Dec 7th hosted at Maxcraft Avionics Pitt Meadows, BC. The IMC Club is all about “Mastering the Art of Instrument Flying” by joining a community of pilots willing to share experience, promote safety, and help improve your IMC flying skills.
Steve Nunn says “As a relatively newly minted IFR pilot I found although I had my certificate, I didn’t have a wealth of real IMC experience. When I spoke with highly experienced IFR pilots they were able to impart some valuable tips after years behind the yoke. About the same time I saw Radek Wryzkowski’s highly successful IMC Club, with chapters all over North America, this type of community with its monthly video scenario review can benefit us all”.
EAA/IMC Club, through the EAA’s worldwide network, provides organized “hangar flying” focused on building instrument flying knowledge and skills. The organization network promotes a safety culture through continued education and believes that safety and proficiency are developed through education and experience. Monthly meetings offer an opportunity to share in-flight experiences and valuable safety tips. At this inaugural meeting, prospective members will be given the opportunity to meet and interact with IMC Club founder and EAA Flight Proficiency Manager Radek Wyrzykowski. You do not have to be an instrument rated pilot to attend.
IMC Club is the brain child of Radek Wyrzykowski; a Master Certified Flight Instructor, Instrument and Multi-Engine Instructor. As a flight instructor in Norwood, Massachusetts, Radek developed a volunteer mentor program to help instrument pilots improve their proficiency, and they loved it.
What is the purpose of EAA/IMC Club?
At EAA/IMC Club, our purpose is to promote instrument flying, proficiency and safety. Along with IFR flying and monthly local chapter meetings, we offer a resource-rich website which provides an electronic experience base.
Our intent is to create a community of pilots to share information, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety and build proficiency in instrument flying. IMC Club offers monthly meetings in which pilots can network and share knowledge and experiences.
Do you need to bring anything?
First, bring your thoughts or story and be willing to share them with the group. This meeting is very interactive. Participation by the group is a key element to the IMC Club meeting.
Others have found it helpful to bring along a copy of their flight manual, GPS manual, and charts. If you navigate with an iPad, bring it along.
Who can attend?
You don’t need an instrument rating to attend. This meeting is open to all current, non-current, and future instrument pilots.For more information about the IMC Club, please visit http://www.eaa.org/imcclub
Organized by co-chairmen Rick Johnson and Steve Nunn. Founder Radek Wyrzykowski will also be flying in for the event.
When: December 7th
Where: At the Maxcraft Avionics building – Pitt Meadows (YPK)
BBQ by donation at 18:00; the meeting starts at 19:00
Register in advance to be entered in the door prize draw – $495 value
How to make a firedrill fun!
As you know, every company has its mandatory fire drills. Sometimes the Health and Safety officer will give everyone a heads up, or not, surprises can either be fun or annoying. Maxcraft staff decided to do a little horsing around while outside. 
Maxcraft is always looking for skilled technicans
As we continue to grow our business we are always looking for experienced avionics installation technicians. If you’re interested in joining our winning team send your resume to Joanna at Customer Service.
For Sale
1974 PA28-151 Piper Warrior For Sale.
Contact Daryl for more information. daryl@maxcraft.ca
Rebates for your favorite products
Garmin Rebates
Save up to $100 on Select Garmin Portables!
Just in time for the holidays, Garmin is pleased to announce new
rebates on select Garmin portable devices. Starting from, Nov. 23,
through Dec. 22, 2016, savings of up to $100 are available on some
of our most popular portable devices.
- Save Over $10,000 on Upgrades
Garmin is pleased to announce the new “Upgrade Your Panel – Upgrade Your Savings” Rebate. Whether
equipping with a complete glass cockpit upgrade or replacing a broken audio panel and adding ADS-B or
more, this new promotion allows customers to take advantage of huge savings on the most popular
avionics from Garmin, including the G500/G600 flight displays and GTN™ 650/750 touchscreen navigators! Call us for details this is a limited time offer! Sale ends Dec. 22, 2016.
Lightspeed Sale
Lightspeed Winter Event only until Jan 2,2017
Buy a Zulu.2 or Wireless Tango Headset and get a $50US Visa card today!

Bose 2016 Holiday Promotion
Until Jan. 7, 2017 receive a free SoundLink Mini Bluetooth speaker with the purchase of a Bose A20 headset. A fantastic sounding speaker and $250 value!
JP Instruments Engine Monitor Rebates 
- Get and instant rebate of up to $1,000US of your choice of a multi-probe engine monitor
- Also applies to upgrades from old JPI instruments
- Valid until Jan 20/17
BendixKing Q4 Promotions
Discounts on Traffic Systems (TAS & TCAS I) and Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Systems (EGPWS)
- $500 US discount on the KT 74 Transponder
- $400 US discount on the KX 165A 8.33 kHz radio with up to $1,150 Trade-Up allowances
If you would like more information or to pre-order please contact our sales department at sales@maxcraft.ca or 604-465-3080.