“Bringing you knowledge of the latest in avionics technology”
Upcoming Events
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
Bremerton, Washington
Aug 19- 20, 2016
Washington Pilots Association
Bellingham, WA
(ADS-B explained)
Sept. 8, 2016
Pacific Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Association
Seminar at Maxcraft Avionics
Sept. 13, 2016
Calgary, Alberta
Oct 19-20, 2016
National Business Aviation Association
Orlando, Florida
Nov 1-3, 2016
Helicopter Association of Canada
Edmonton, Alberta
Nov 11-13, 2016
Dubai Business Aviation
DWC, Dubai Airshow Site
Dec 6-8, 2016
Northwest Aviation conference & tradeshow
Puyallup, Washington
Feb 25-26, 2017
Customer Comments
“Recently, I accepted my Beech Bonanza J35 from Maxcraft doing business at Pitt Meadows, BC (CYPK). It is my pleasure to write about my experience during the negotiation, delivery and work completion of my airplane. I became aware of Maxcraft at the Pacific Northwest Aviation event at Puyallup during the February, 2016 show”…
“It became apparent Maxcraft was staffed with pilots who understood the need for integration of the ADSB with other displays available in my aircraft”…
“After talking to several shops I was dubious that the capabilities were not going to be married unless I took the airplane to Maxcraft”…
“The bottomline take away is–you will be happy to spend the money to get the professional consideration, time efficiency, and safety that is delivered with the Maxcraft Avionics shop. My hats off to the entire crew at Maxcraft and I most highly recommend them for any aircraft services you may need.”
Want to read about the full project and the full testimonial? C lick here.
More Successes
Avionic Humour
A plane was taking off from Kennedy Airport. After it reached a comfortable cruising altitude, the captain made an announcement over the intercom, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.
Welcome to Flight Number 293, nonstop from New York to Los Angeles. The weather ahead is good and therefore we should have a smooth and uneventful flight. Now sit back and relax — OH MY GOD!”
Silence followed and after a few minutes, the Captain came back on the intercom and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m so sorry if I scared you earlier, but while I was talking, the flight attendant brought me a cup of coffee and spilt it in my lap. You should see the front of my pants!
A passenger in Coach said, “That’s nothing, he should see the back of mine!”
New product announcements from EAA Air Venture, ADS-B install, S76 CVFDR install and more. |
New Products/Announcements
TSO Authorization Granted for Universal Avionics AHS-525 AHRS
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted Technical Standard Order (TSO) authorization for Universal Avionics AHS-525 Attitude Heading Reference System (AHRS). This long-awaited approval allows the company to manufacture and bring to market a new addition to its product line. The AHS-525 is positioned as a low cost option for replacing legacy mechanical VGs and DGs in Part 23 and Part 25 Fixed Wing aircraft, and Part 27 and Part 29 Rotorcraft.
The AHS-525 contains multiple rate gyros to measure angular aircraft motion in the pitch, roll and yaw axes, and several accelerometers to measure aircraft linear motion along the longitudinal, lateral and vertical axes of the aircraft. It is a cost-effective solution for replacement of fragile mechanical “spinning” gyroscopes.
Flight Stream 510 with Revolutionary Wi-Fi Database Concierge
Stream 510 is a small, patented Wi-Fi and Bluetooth-enabled MMC card that enables communication between the GTN 650/750 series and two compatible Apple or Android mobile devices operating Garmin Pilot.
New Cost-Effective Garmin Nav Data & Bundles
Flight Stream 510 is just one piece of Garmin’s strategy for making database updates easier. Garmin now offers its own cost-effective navigation databases. These databases are available à la carte, or as part of a OnePak database bundle.
All-in-one GNS card Programmer
While owners of GNS series navigators won’t be able to use the new Flight Stream 510, they can still take advantage of Onepak bundles using Garmin’s new all-in-one card programmer for GNS navigators. This USB device allows you to update Navigation, Terrain, and Obstacle database subscriptions from your own PC by logging into flyGarmin.com.

G500/G600 Software Updates and New Features
In the latest software version, G500/G600 owners will get yet another new feature to help them easily keep databases up-to-date. With database synchronization, Primary flight displays and GTN navigators will automatically synchronize after the first is updated. Simply update one, and the others will follow.

GTN750/650 Software Updates and New Features
GTN owners get an especially exciting collection of new
features in the latest update. Telligence Voice Command controls the GTN via Spoken Commands using a separate push-to-command button.

Garmin introduces G5 for Certificated Aircraft
The G5 for certificated aircraft is approved for installation as a replacement for the aircraft’s primary attitude indicator or turn coordinator via a Garmin – held STC for hundreds of certificated fixed-wing aircraft models.
Read more about these new products on our blog!
AEM’s (Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp) MCP02 Receives Transport Canada STC
The MCP02 Master Caution Panel system, which has been designed for the S-61/Sea King series of helicopters, has been awarded STC SH16-25 by Transport Canada.
The plug & play replacement for the Grimes units offer reduced weight (5.8lbs vs 3.57lbs combined), high reliability, an integrated state recorder and LED technology with customizable legends. NVG lighting option is also available.
AEM worked in collaboration with Coulson Aircrane in development and certification of the MCP02. Coulson holds the STC while AEM retains the right to sell.

Flight Display Systems released a new mobile app
for do CAPSULE, which is available for iOS and Android.
In the Hangar:
Beechcraft J-35 Bonanza ADS-B Install and Reconfiguration
The overall condition of the Bonanza was absolutely pristine, and the previous owner had completely re-done both the interior and avionics. Maxcraft is a great option for American pilots in the Pacific Northwest, not only because of the huge potential for savings (due to recent fluctuations in exchange rates), also because of the high standard of workmanship available for such a price. Maxcraft technicians reconfigured this aircraft for full communication between the GNS 480, a panel-mounted Aera 796 (replacing a 696), fuel flow system, iPad over Bluetooth, and a new GTX-345 transponder with ADS-B in and out. Read more about this install and reconfiguration here.
In the Hangar:
Sikorsky S76 with Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder (CVFDR)

The Sikorsky S76 is important for us here at Maxcraft. Over the course of twenty-five years in business, Maxcraft has completed more than fifty major avionic projects on commercially operated S76’s. With over seventy-five years of combined experience on the model, our AME’s consider the Sikorsky S76 a specialty. It is this unique degree of familiarity with the aircraft that makes Maxcraft Avionics the ideal choice for highly involved S76 avionic modifications, like the installation of this Universal Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder. In fact, Maxcraft’s unique STC is one of the only solutions in the world that allows for CVFDR retrofit in older S76C rotorcraft. Read more here.
The Technical Side:
Uncertified Avionics in a Certified Aircraft?
Dynon D10A EFIS
As previously reported, Dynon and EAA made significant news this spring at Sun ‘N Fun when they announced that the FAA had granted them an STC approval for Dynon’s non-certified EFIS-D10A system in a variety of FAA certified fixed wing GA aircraft. In this issue of MaxNews you will see that Garmin has followed suit with an AML STC covering over 560 aircraft for their G5 experimental electronic flight instrument. This is a huge boon to the private pilot who doesn’t want to make a significant investment for a full EFIS glass cockpit but wants the reliability of a glass attitude and turn coordinator while getting rid of the less reliable vacuum gyros. Both these boxes also provide secondary airspeed, altitude, battery backup and more.
FAA’s New Initiative:
Availability of these STC’s is representative of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) initiative to encourage and permit specific enhancements to aircraft in an effort to improve pilot situational awareness among the existing general aviation fleet. This new initiative, allowed Dynon, EAA, and Garmin to work with the FAA to allow these displays to be installed without the traditional technical standard order (TSO) or parts manufacturer approval (PMA) requirement. “This cooperative effort shows how the FAA, general aviation groups, and the aviation industry can work together to benefit aircraft owners with upgraded technology, lower costs, and high levels of safety,” said Mel Johnson, manager of FAA’s Small Airplane Directorate. “This kind of partnership and innovative thinking is what is needed at all levels of aviation as we move into the future.”
The Future:
At EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh last week, FAA Administrator Mike Huerta stated “The recent policy allowing the installation of non-certified instruments in certificated airplanes will lead to similar rulings. This will improve safety, reduces costs, and make it easier to install equipment like traffic advisory systems, terrain awareness, attitude indicators, autopilot
Garmin G5 EFIS |
systems” We think it’s about time to see some of this state of the art uncertified avionics filter up to the part 23 GA part of certified aircraft. Dynon and Garmin’s mini EFIS’s are significant game-changers. Both have safety benefits that may not be immediately apparent from reading their brochures. We encourage you to give us a call or stop by for a demo and we can discuss if this equipment would be a good fit for your bird.
Vendor Profile:

Maxcraft Avionics Ltd.
Normally, this is a section of the newsletter where we profile one of the many vendors for which Maxcraft is an authorized dealer. It has, however, been five years since the beginning of this newsletter, and we find ourselves at the end of our long list of vendors . Instead, we’ll take a look at Maxcraft, which in many ways, is a vendor to itself.
Maxcraft Avionics Ltd actually comprises of five separate departments: instrument and avionic component repairs, design services, parts support, avionic installation, and structures/composites. Maxcraft Avionics is a ‘vendor to itself’ in that several departments supply others internally. Our component shop takes in unserviceable equipment and outputs serviceable parts to our inventory. This same parts inventory can then be sold outright, or as part of an avionic installation. Both avionic and structures technicians make use of STC’s generated by our Design services department.

Many of our clients have only interacted with one or two of these departments and are often surprised at the existence of the others. Local clients in particular, are often unaware of the worldwide scope at which much of our work takes place. As a parts support organization with a very large inventory, Maxcraft sells serviceable and overhauled equipment globally, with parts going out to clients on every continent. Likewise, our Design Services department holds a catalogue of STCs which are sold to commercial operators all over the world. Even our installers have global reach, often traveling overseas to modify aircraft on-site. In terms of regulatory credentials, Maxcraft is a Transport Canada approved maintenance organization holding ratings in Avionics, Structures, Instrument, Component, and Aircraft categories. It is also recognized by both EASA and the FAA.

Ultimately, Maxcraft provides professional avionic services to all types of private and commercial aircraft, both rotary and fixed-wing. Its services include complete panel upgrades, installation, design, fabrication, STC approval, wire kit fabrication, and worldwide field support.
Maxcraft is always looking for skilled technicans
As we continue to grow our business we are always looking for experienced avionics installation technicians. If you’re interested in joining our winning team send your resume to Joanna at Customer Service.
For Sale
1974 PA28-151 Piper Warrior For Sale.
Contact Daryl for more information. daryl@maxcraft.ca
Rebates for your favorite products
ADS-B Shopping Spree Mail-In Rebate! Purchasing a GTX 335, GTX 345, GDL® 84, GDL 88 or GTX 330/33 “ES upgrade” will qualify for spectacular savings. The ADS-B Shopping Spree is available for purchases between July 15, 2016 thru September 15, 2016. Call us for details.

SPOT sale!
Save 50% off the SPOT Trace, SPOT Gen3 and the SPOT Global Phone after mail-in rebate. Sale ends Sept. 4, 2016
KSN 770/765 and ADS-B rebate promo – save up to $3500, AeroWave 100-$3000 summer rebate, KT74 Promo Price – $500 off list price, KLR 10 Promo – $200 off list! Call us for details.

Re-Think Lynx Promo
Sales on Lynx NGT-9000 Transponders, Active Traffic and more. Also sales on various Lynx NGT-9000D and optional equipment NGT-9000 models. Call us for more details! Sale on until end of 2016!
Stack and Rebate promotion
Bendix King is offering a Spring Rebate Program with sales on KSN Stacks, ADS-B rebates, RDR 2000 Rebates and KT 74 savings. Call us or come see us about the best rebate we can offer you!
If you would like more information or to pre-order please contact our sales department at sales@maxcraft.ca or 604-465-3080.